Organizer: Health Care Consulting Service Work Committee of China Health Care Association, Japan Health Food & Nutrition food Association, Japan Health Industry Information Newspaper
会议时间:2011年9月16日 下午(13:30—17:30)
Forum Time: 1:30-5:30PM, September 16, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 6层郁金香厅
Venue: 6th Floor, Tulip Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Forum Contents:
1. 探讨中国保健食品行业最新发展方向及相关规定,专题演讲;
Lectures on exploring the latest development and relevant provisions for China's health food industry;
2. 为日本企业新产品及技术引进中国,及中国企业寻找新产品提供信息相互交流平台;
Introducing the new products and technologies into China for the Japanese companies, and providing an information exchange platform for the Chinese companies who are looking for new products;
3. 商业洽谈,提供与中日保健食品行业企业专家面对面信息交流契机。
Commercial negotiations; providing face-to-face information exchange opportunities with the experts on China-Japan health food industry。
4. 专家讲解有关中国的保健食品及药品的法律法规。
Experts explaining the laws and regulations on China's health food and drug。
分论坛4:2011’ 中国保健食品行业市场论坛
2011 China Health Food Market Forum
-- Enterprises’ Wisdom in Transition of China Health Food Industry
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