中国国际保健品博览会会议论坛日程 |
tuations)时 间Time 内 容Content 发言人Speaker 开幕式Opening ceremony 13:30-13:40 宣布会议开始,介绍嘉宾 Call the meeting to order, and introduce the guests 主持人 Moderator 13:40-14:00 嘉宾致辞 Addressing from guests 参会领导、冠名单位Participating leaders, and title sponsorship units 药妆专题演讲Lectures on drug cosmetics 14:00-14:40 中国药妆的发展趋势及国家政策初探 A study on China's drug cosmetics development trend and national policies 行业专家或领导Industry expert or leader 14:40-15:10 国际药妆的历史与现状 History and Current Status of International Drug Cosmetics 生产企业 Manufacturer 保健食品专题演讲Lectures on health food 15:00-15:40 国家如何规范和发展保健食品、功能食品、食品等健康产业How to regulate and develop the national health food, functional food, food and other health industries 行业专家或领导 Industry expert or leader 15:40-16:10 国内外保健品的发展趋势分析 Trend analysis of domestic and foreign health food 生产企业 Manufacturer 保健用品、家用医疗用品专题演讲Lectures on health supplies and home medical supplies 16:10-16:40 中国保健用品、家用医疗用品的发展蓝皮书 Blue book for the development of China's health supplies and home medical supplies 行业领导 Industry leader 连锁药店专题Lectures on chain drug store 16:40-17:10 国内外药店药妆与保健品销售发展状况报告 A report on the development of drug cosmetics and health food sales in domestic and foreign drug store 连锁药店委员会 Chain Dr 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ... 下一页 >> 上一个健康快讯: 专家研究称眼泪可能成为艾滋病传播新途径 下一个健康快讯: 中国国际保健品博览会日程