脑心通注射液对脑缺血大鼠脑组织结构影响实验研究 |
孔佑华 张金萍 王凤琴 王强
摘要:目的:观察脑心通注射液对脑缺血大鼠脑组织结 构的影响。方法:给大鼠连续腹腔注射脑心通注射液3 d,手术阻断其两侧颈总动脉3 h后断 头取脑、切片,HE染色。结果:脑心通注射液中、高剂量组脑组织结构基本正常,与生理盐 水对照组比较有明显差异,优于维脑路通组。结论:脑心通注射液对大鼠缺血性脑损伤有明 显的保护作用。 关键词:脑心通注射液; 脑缺血; 组织结构 中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0805(2000)07-0593-01
The Experinental Study on Effect of Naoxintong Injection on the Histological Structure of Cerebral Ischemia of Rat
KONG You-hua, ZHANG Jin-ping, WANG Feng-qin, WANG Qiang (Jining Medical College, Shandong Jining 272113, China)
Abstract:Objective: To observe the effect of Naoxinto ng injection on histological structure of cerebral ischemia of rat. Method: Naox intong were injected continously into the abdominal cavity of rat for 3 d. The r at brain were taken out after the bilateral common carotid arteries were blocked for 3 h and cut into slices, stained with HE method. Result: The histological s tructure of brain tissue which injected with middle and large dosage of Naoxinto ng injection were basically normal and had significant difference compared with the normal group, and superior to the Weinaolutong group. Conclusion: Naoxintong injection has obvious protect function to rat brain injure which caused by isch emia. Key words:Naoxintong injection; Cerebral ischemia ; Histological structure
脑心通注射液是由丹参和红花经提取精制而成的注射液,具有活血化瘀之功效,临床常用于 心脑血管疾病的治疗。本实验采用结扎大鼠双侧颈总动脉造成全脑缺血,然后迅速取脑组织 常规切片、HE染色,光镜观察脑心通注射液对脑缺血大鼠脑组织结构的影响,并与维脑路通 注射液进行比较,以便从形态学角度探讨脑心通注射液的作用机理。 1 材料 1.1 动物:选用成年健康雄性Wistar系大白鼠36只,体重(245 ±20) g,由山东医科大学实验动物中心提供,合格证号为鲁动质字970101。 1.2 药物:脑心通注射液(2 g/ml),济宁市药品检 验所提供,批号970702;维脑路通注射液(0.1 g/2 ml),江苏省常州福民制药有 限公司生产,批号970206,以无菌生理盐水稀释至5.5 mg/ml后使用。 2 方法 2.1 动物分组:36只大鼠随机分成6组,每组6只。①假手术组 ;②生理盐水对照组;③维脑路通对照组;④脑心通注射液低剂量组;⑤脑心通注射液中剂 量组;⑥脑心通注射液高剂量组。②~⑥组各大鼠分别腹腔注射生理盐水7.2 ml/kg,5.5 m g/ml的维脑路通注射液7.2 ml/kg,2 g/ml的脑心通注射液1.8 ml/kg,3.6 ml/kg,7.2 ml/ kg,1次/d,连续3 d。 2.2 动物模型:按上述分组和给药方法,于末次给 药后1 h,给各组大鼠腹腔注射0[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 正交法探讨独活寄生口服液提取工艺 下一个医学论文: 不同浓度乙醇提取补骨脂的比较