乌鸡调经丸对动物子宫和卵巢的影响 |
蔡圣荣 宋广聪 周华平
摘要:实验观察了乌鸡调经丸对动物子宫和卵巢的影响 。结果发现乌鸡调经丸小鼠按1.0,2.0,4.0 g/kg ig给药,可使幼年和成年血虚证小鼠子 宫、卵巢重量显著增加,生长卵泡数明显增多;大鼠按1.0,2.0 g/kg给药,可使大鼠在体 子宫明显松弛,并显著对抗催产素对子宫的兴奋作用。 关键词:乌鸡调经丸; 子宫; 卵巢; 生长卵泡数 中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0805(2000)07-0599-02
Pharmacology Effects of Wuji Tiaojing Pill on Animal's Uterus and Ovary
CAI Sheng-rong1, (1.Anhui College of Chinese Medicine, Hefei, Anhui, 230038, China) SONG Guang-cong2, ZHOU Hua-ping2 (Chinese Medicine Factory of Hefei SHENLU Group, Hefei, Anhui, 230022, China)
Abstract:The study observed the effect of Wuji Tiaoji ng pill on animal's uterus and ovary. Results showed that after giving the dose of 1.0,2.0,4.0 g/kg body weight, Wuji Tiaojing pill could markedly increase the weight of uterus and ovary in both juvenile and mature mouse with the model of blood-deficiency, and the number of growing-follicles was increased significan tly. Giving Wuji Tiaojing pill at the dose of 1.0,2.0 g/kg to rats
上一个医学论文: 益中合剂抗实验性胃溃疡研究 下一个医学论文: 3种不同产地桃仁中苦杏仁甙含量测定