巴戟素对衰老大鼠空间学习记忆力的改善作用 |
谭宝璇 苏文 陈洁文 陈朝凤 王勇 李小英
摘要:用 D- 半乳糖化的方法制备大鼠衰老模型,通过 Morris 水迷宫测试,观察巴戟素对衰老大鼠空间学习记忆力的影响;应用海马脑片灌流技术,观察巴戟素对海马突触长时程增强(LTP)的影响。结果显示,巴戟素能使衰老大鼠逃避潜伏期缩短;原平台象限游泳时间和 40cm 环内游泳时间明显延长;原平台象限游泳路径百分比增加。还可显著增强海马脑片的 LTP 效应,并呈一定的量效关系。提示巴戟素可提高衰老大鼠的空间学习、记忆能力,其作用可能与增强海马突触传递的 LTP 效应有关。 关键词:@巴戟素/药理学;学习/药物作用;记忆/药物作用;海马脑片/药物作用;长时程增强/药物作用;疾病模型,动物 中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9783(2000)02-0095-03
Improvement Effect of Bajishin on Spatial Learning and Memory Abiligy of Rats
Tan BaoXuan Su wen Chen Jiewen (Department of Physiology,Guangzhou University of TCM,Guangzhou 510405)
Abstract:Senile rat model was induced by D_Galactose.The effect of Bajishin on spatial learning and memory ability of senile rats was observed by Morris Water Maze test and the effect of Bajishin on the long_term potentiation(LTP)of hippocampus synapse was observed by hippocampal slice perfusion technique.The results showed that the escape latency of senile rats was shortened,the proplateau quadrant and the 40cm circle swimming times lengthened,the proplateau quadrant swimming path percentage increased and the LTP effect of hippocampal slice increased significantly with an dose/effect relationship.It is suggested that Bajishin can improve spatial learning and memory ability of senily rats,and its mechanism may relate to the increase of LTP effect of hippocampal synapse transmission. Key words:@ Bajishin/pharmacol.;learning/drug eff.;memory/drug eff.;hippocampal slice/drug eff.;long_term potentiation/drug eff.;disease model,animal
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物 SD大鼠,体重160~180g,雌雄兼用(整体实验用);体重120~160g,雄性(脑片实验用),由中山医科大学实验动物中心提供。 1.2 药物及试剂 巴戟素,灰白色粉末,由本校新药开发研[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 补肾健脾中药对哮喘模型大鼠肺组织 下一个医学论文: Beagle 犬的生物学特性及在药理毒理试验中的应用