中药饮片精制颗粒免煎剂治疗几种内科常见病临床研究 |
齐冬梅 孙英新 闫 琴 项修平 李嘉庆 孙秀景 张 燕
提要 以中药饮片精制颗粒免煎剂与传统中草药水煎剂,分别用于冠心病、高血压病、Ⅱ型糖尿病3种内科常见病的治疗,并对其临床综合疗效、中医症状以及心电图、血糖、尿糖、血脂、血流变等相关检查结果进行对照观察。结果表明该免煎剂在提高治疗疾病综合疗效和改善中医症状方面与传统水煎剂功效相同,且未见明显的毒副作用。提示中药饮片精制颗粒免煎剂保持了中医辨证论治的特色,值得推广应用,为中药剂型改革提供新途径。 关键词 中药饮片精制颗粒免煎剂; 中草药水煎剂; 冠心病; 高血压病; Ⅱ型糠尿病
Clinical Study of the Treatment of Some Commonly Encountered Internal Diseases with Refined Granules Made from Chinese Herbal Pieces
Qi Dongmei, Sun Yingxin, Yan Qin, et al Shandong Univ. of TCM, Jinan 250014
Abstract The patients of cornary heart disease, hypertension and type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus were treated separately with refined granules of Chinese herbal pieces or relevant decoction. The curative effects, symptoms and the detector results of Ecg, blood sugar, glucose in urine, blood-lipid, blood rheology were contrastively observed. The results showed there were identical effects between refined granules and relevant decoction in therapeutic effectiveness and symptoms and any toxic side effects of the refined granules wasn t observed. It showed the refined granules were worthy of being popularized for its charicteristics of diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of different syndromes, so it provides a new way for the reforms of the form of Chinese drugs. Key words Refined granules made from Chinese herbal pieces; Chinese herbal decoction; Cornary heart disease; Hypertesion; Type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus 1996-06~1998-07,我们对800例内科常见病(包括:糖尿病、冠心病、高血压病)运用中药饮片精制颗粒治疗,并与相同剂量的传统中药水煎剂进行对照,疗效显著。现总结如下:
1 临床资料
1.1 一般情况:将门诊病人1 200例分为治疗组800例,对照组400例。治疗组男468例,女332例;冠心病188例,高血压病344例,Ⅱ型糖尿病268例;年龄最小的45岁,最大82岁;病程1 a以内180例,1~3 a 272例,3 a以上348例。对照组与治疗组的性别、年龄、病程、病因、分型、程度及中医症状程度,经统计学处理,差异无显著意义( P>0.05),具有可比性。 1.2 病例选择:纳入病例标准与排出病例标准均按《中药新药临床研究指导原则》中的试验病例标准。 1.3 观察病例共1 200例,采用随机方法分为治疗组、对照组。其中治疗组800例,对照组400例。观察完毕全部数据输入计算机,进行统计学处理。
2 治疗方法
2.1 治疗用药:治疗组经辨证,运用与传统中药剂量[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 洋金花伤膏治疗骨伤科疾病48例临床观察 下一个医学论文: 黑膏药引起急性中毒致便秘3例报告