梅花鹿血液药用机理初步研究 |
宋胜利 葛志
提要 对8只雄性梅花鹿血液血象、生化指标、微量元素和蛋白组分检测证实:梅花鹿血的RBC为1250万/mm3,红细胞平均Hb含量为38.7 Pg,红细胞平均Hb浓度970 g/L,都远远高于人正常生理值。所检测的7种主要酶也远远高于人正常生理值,其中磷酸肌酸激酶(CPK)、α-羟丁酸脱氢酶(HBD)、磷酸肌酸激酶辅酶分别为327 u/L、639 u/L、772 u/L,是人正常生理值的7~10倍。梅花鹿血清中磷的含量是2.68 mmol/L、锌为51.3 μmol/L、铜为21.4 μmol/L、铁为255.6 μmol/L、锰0.16 μmol/L。该5种微量元素的含量都远远高于人血清正常值。在蛋白组分中白蛋白水平较低为34.9 g/L,而球蛋白水平较高为35.5 g/L,其中以γ-球蛋白含量最高,为25.2%,是人血清正常值的3倍。其药用价值是明显的。 关键词 梅花鹿; 血液; 药用机理; 生化指标
Mechanism Study on Pharmacological Value of Sika Deer Blood
Song Shengli, Ge Zhiguang Shijiazhuang Wild and Tewestrial Animal Propagation Base 050031
Abstract The hemogram and parameters of biochemistry were determined in eight male sika deers. The result showed that the red blood cell count was 125×108/L, the mean corpuscular of hemoglobin was 38.7 Pg and the mean corpusular hemoglobin concentration was 970 g/L. It is suggested that there are rich hemosiderin and oxygen in sika deer blood. Moreover, the seven kinds of enzyme that were observed in the study were significantly higher than the human normal values. Serum levels of creatine kinase (CK), hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (α-HBD) and CK-MB were 327 u/L, 639 u/L and 772 u/L respectively and which were seven to ten times higher than human normal values. It is indicated the activity of enzyme should be protected when the sika deer blood was used as raw material of medicine. The results revealed that the levels of phosphorus, zins, copper, ferrin and manganses were 2.68 mmol/l, 51.3 μmol/L, 21.4 μmol/L, 255.6 μmol/L and 0.16 μmol/L respectively and which were significantly higher than the human normal values. Serum levels of albumin and globulin were 34.9 g/L and 35.5 g/L respectively. Among them, the level of γ-globlin was the highest (25.2%) which was threefold as the human serum normal value. From the above results, sika deer blood has great value in medicinal use. Key[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: JH 澄清剂用于升血灵颗粒正交试验 下一个医学论文: 广佛手水溶性化学成分研究