小承气汤等三方泻下作用差异物质基础研究 |
寇俊萍 刘 颖 朱丹妮 华 敏 严永清
提要 结合药理和化学方法对小承气汤、厚朴大黄汤及厚朴三物汤三方泻下作用物质基础进行初步研究。药理研究结果显示:三方均明显增加小鼠大肠湿重,其泻下作用强度与所含大黄成正比,小承气汤效价最高;其拆方研究表明,影响泻下作用的最显著因素为大黄,次显著因素为枳实。三方化学成分研究结果显示:小承气汤中结合蒽醌含量最高。表明三方均具有明显泻下作用,其效价差异的物质基础与方中所含大黄及其煎出的结合蒽醌含量有关。 关键词 小承气汤; 厚朴大黄汤; 厚朴三物汤; 泻下; 结合蒽醌; 物质基础
Preliminary Study on Material Basis of Different Laxative Potency of Xiao Chengqi-Tang and Other Two Prescriptions
Kou Junping, Liu Ying, Zhu Danni,et al Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210038
Abstract In this paper, preliminary study on material basis of different laxative potency of Xiao Chengqi-Tang, Houpo Dahuang-Tang and Houpo Sanwu-Tang was performed by pharmcological and chemical methods. Pharmacological experiments showed that these three complex prescriptions all increased wet weight of large intestine of mice and the purgative potency was in direct proportion to the content of Dahuang. Xiao Chengqi-Tang had the strongest action, Dahuang was the most significant active factor. In chemical research, content of total and free anthraquinone were determined by HPLC. The results showed that content of combined anthraquinone were the highest in Xiao Chengqi-Tang, while content of total and free anthraquinone were the highest in Houpo Dahuang-Tang.To sum up, such three complex prescriptions had purgative action with different potency, their material basis may be their different content of combined anthraquinone. Key words Xiao Chengqi-Tang; Houpo Dahuang-Tang; Houpo Sanwu-Tang; Purgative action; Combined anthraquinone; Material basis
小承气汤出自《伤寒论》,厚朴大黄汤及厚朴三物汤均为《金匮要略》所载。三方组成药物相同,均由大黄、厚朴、枳实组成,但三味药配比不同,临床应用也有所不同。小承气汤重在“泻下实积”,适用于阳明腑实证,可以治疗粘连性肠梗阻、肠麻痹、慢性胃炎等[1];厚朴大黄汤重在“荡涤中焦”而下水饮,适用于痰气结实之证,可以治疗咳嗽喘息、渗出性胸膜炎等[2];厚朴三物汤则重在“行气”,适用于里实气滞之证,可以治疗麻痹性肠梗阻等[3]。三方临床应用很广泛,但关于三方药理及化学方面的比较研究尚未见报道。本文以泻下作用为指标,对三方进行比较研究,并拆方分析3味药在小承气汤中所起作用;同时采用HPLC法测定三方中结合蒽醌及总蒽醌含量,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 张氏熏药方治疗皮肤性病 下一个医学论文: JH 澄清剂用于升血灵颗粒正交试验