术前使用立止血对减少TURP治疗前列腺增生症的效 价评估 |
钟惟德 胡建波 蔡岳斌 魏鸿蔼 钟南山
摘要:目的:分析术前使用立止血对TURP治疗BPH的疗效-成本比较。方法:1998年5月~1999年6月行TURP治疗BPH病人63例,术前应用立止血肌注及静推各1KU,与术后使用止血药对照组63例作止血效果及费用比较。结果:术前使用立止血组病人术后发生出血及其他并发症均小于对照组,处理费用分别为(620±22.56)元及(1 113±38.72)元,有显著差异。结论:术前使用立止血能有效地预防术后出血及其他并发症发生,降低手术治疗费用。 关键词:立止血;前列腺增生症 ;疗效;成本 中图分类号:R973+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0408(2000)03-0119-02
Effect-cost Analysis of Preoperative Use of Reptilase in Patients Undergoing Transurethral Resection of Prostate
ZHONG Weide,HU Jianbo,CAI Yuebin,WEI Hongai (Dept.of Urology,Guangzhou First People s Hospital,Guangzhou 510180) ZHONG Nanshan (Institute of Respiratory Diseases,Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou 510120)
ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVE:Using effect-cost analysis,to compare the preoperative use of reptilase in patients with benign prostate hyperplasis(BPH)who underwent transurethral resection of prostate(TURP)with controls.METHODS:63 cases of BPH received i.m.and i.v.reptilase in dose of 1kilounit each administration route before undergoing TURP during the period May 1998-June 1999.The hemostatic effect and cost of treatment were compared with those of controls who received dicynone(a hemostatic agent)postoperatively.RESULTS:The severity of postoperative bleeding as well as other complications in the reptilase group was less than that in the control group and the costs in the two groups were 620±22.56 and 1 113±38.72 yuan RMB respectively with significant difference between them.CONCLUSION:Preoperative administration of reptilase in TURP can effectively prevent postoperative bleeding and other complications and can decrease the expenses of surgical treatment. KEY WORDS:reptilase;hyperplasia of prostate;curative effect; cost
经尿道前列腺切除术(TURP)自1931年诞生以来[1],经过几十年不断改进和发展,已成为一种比较成熟且广泛实施的手术。由于能使85%~90%患者主、客观症状得到改善,几乎被看成是一种治疗的“金标准”[2]。但是,长期以来术中出血、TURP综合征等并发症一直未能得到有效的解决,尤其是TURP术中与术后出血更成为手术的首要并发症[3]。为观察立止血(rep[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 盐酸氟桂利嗪片人体生物等效性研究 下一个医学论文: 医院制剂价格核算系统的开发