桡神经浅支的观测 |
黄秀峰 黄海珊 周善金
摘要 对15具成人尸体共30侧桡神经浅支进行了观测,结果:桡神经浅段平均长约2.89cm,浅段长与前臂长的相关系数r=0.13(P>0.05),浅段长与前臂长的自身比例结果为12.72%。桡神经浅支浅出处宽2.63mm,分支处宽3.21mm,浅段全长与头静脉伴行。浅出处与桡骨茎突的平均距离为8.83cm,该距离与前臂长的相关系数r=0.5217(P<0.05),回归方程为Y=5.5063+0.1409x,Syx=0.9966,桡神经浅支分支处距桡骨茎突的直线距离为5.91cm。分支处与前臂长的自身比例结果为28.88%。认为用自身比例法估计浅段长和桡神经浅支分支处位置较好。 关键词 桡神经;头静脉;相关回归分析;解剖学
Observations on superficial branches of radial nerve
Huang Xiufeng Huang Haishan Zhou Shanjin Dept. of Human Anatomy, Youjiang Medical College for National Minorities(Bose 533000)
30 sides of superficial branches of radial nerve in 15 adult dead bodies were observed. Results showed that the length of superficial section of radial nerve was 2.89 cm; the correlation coefficient between the length of superficial section and the length of forearm was r-0.13(P>0.05). The result of auto-proportion between the length of superficial section and the forearm was 12.72%. The source of superficial branches was 2.63mm wide and side of branches was 3.21mm. The whole length of superficial section accompanied the cephalic vein. The average distance between the superficial source and styloid process of radius was 8.83cm. The distance and the correlation coefficient of the length of forearm was r=0.5217(P<0.05); The regression equation was Y=5.5063 : 0.1409x,Syx =0.9966. The linear distance of the superficial source of radial nerve to styloid process of radius was 5.91cm. The sult of the auto-proportion of the side of branches and the length of forearm was 28.88%. It is thought that it is better to estimate the sides of length of superficial section and superficial branches of radial nerve with the method of auto-proportion. Key words radial nerve; cephalic vein; correlation regression analysis; anatomy
1 材料与方法
用15具(男11,女4)经福尔马林固定后的成人尸体,对[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 退黑延生汤 在鼻咽癌放疗复发后的化学治疗中的作用观察 下一个医学论文: 湖北省地道药材基地建设布局研究