蚂蚁清风酒补肾壮阳作用实验研究 |
李文胜 方跃华 王俊健 李守华 郭莲军
提要 实验观察了蚂蚁清风酒对雄性去势小鼠、正常小鼠和老年小鼠的附性器官重量及精子数目的影响。结果表明,蚂蚁清风酒能使雄性去势小鼠的精液囊—前列腺和包皮腺重量明显增加,使正常小鼠的睾丸和附睾重量及精子数目显著增加,能增加老年小鼠的睾丸及胸腺重量,但对血清睾酮含量无明显影响;还能显著延长小鼠的游泳时间,提高小鼠耐缺氧能力。提示蚂蚁清风酒具有补肾壮阳作用,且该作用与促进性器官和免疫器官的生长发育、改善性器官功能、增强机体耐受力与适应能力等相关。 关键词 蚂蚁清风酒; 性功能; 睾酮;
Experimental Study on Actions of Tonifying Kidney and Strengthening Yang of Mayiqingfeng Wine
Li Wensheng, Fang Yuehua, Wang Junjian, et al The People s Hospital of Yichang County, Yichang 443100
Abstract To observe the effect of Mayiqingfeng Wine on the weight of accessory sex organs in castration mice, normal mice, old mice and amount of sperm in normal mice. As a result, Mayiqingfeng Wine can strongly increase the weight of seminal vesicleprostate and preputial glands in castration, and it can strongly increase the weight of testis and epididymis and the amount of sperm in normal mice, increase the weight of testis and thymus in old mice. But it have no effect on the content of serum testosterone in mice. It can also delay the time of swimming and strengthen hypoxia tolerance in mice. It prompts that the wine has actions of tonifying kidney and strenthening Yang, and the actions relate to improving the growth of sexual organ and immunity organ, the sexual function, the body ability of bearing and adaption, etc. Key words Mayiqingfeng wine; Sexual function; Testosterone
1 实验材料
1.1 动物:昆明种小鼠,,由同济医科大学实验动物中心提供。 1.2 药物与试剂:蚂蚁清风酒(蚁酒)由宜昌县人民医院提供,含量120 g生药/L;蚁酒浓缩液,取蚁酒适量置水浴上浓缩至含量为480 g生药/L;白酒由湖北枝江酒业集团生产,含醇量38%,批号981121。丙酸睾丸酮,广州明兴制药厂,批号960604;血清睾酮放射免疫测定试剂盒,中美天津九鼎医学生物工程有限公司,批号99060。
2 方法与结果
2.1 对去势小鼠附性器官重量的影响:取体重9~14 g的幼年小鼠100只,其中取80只用乙醚麻醉,切除双侧睾丸。术后第7 d,随机分为4组,每组20只,其中3组按0.1 ml/10 g剂量分别 ig 蚁酒、白酒和生理盐水,阳性对照组im丙酸睾丸酮25 mg/kg,给药1次/d,连续14 d。未手术的小鼠20只为正常组,ig等量生理盐[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 关节康抗炎与镇痛作用研究 下一个医学论文: 心痛宁冲剂醇提工艺研究