绿茶素及壳多糖抗肿瘤实验研究 |
应自忠 张慧 胡松 黄丽霞 韩志红
摘要:采用武汉市职工医学院从湖北绿茶中提取的绿茶素(TP-91)及湖北大学生命科学院从蚕蛹中提取的壳多糖进行抗肿瘤实验研究。瘤株为小鼠EAC。结果表明绿茶素及壳多糖对肿瘤的抑瘤率分别为40.33%和52.10%;对外周血淋巴细胞计数分别为8.80±2.41,8.30±3.18与对照组(2.84±0.61)比较有显著差异(P<0.01);对外周血T淋巴细胞计数分别为24.20±4.56,14.14±4.37与对照组(4.10±3.35)比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结果提示绿茶素及壳多糖均有抗肿瘤作用,显示这两种天然物质在对肿瘤防治方面有良好的发展前景。 关键词:绿茶素(TP-91); 壳多糖; 荷瘤小鼠; 抗肿瘤 中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0805(2000)09-0783-02
The Experimental Study on Antineoplastic Effect of Tea Pigment and Chitin
YING Zi-zhong,ZHANG Hui,HU Song,HUANG Li-xia,HAN Zhi-hong (Wuhan Medical College for Continuing Education, Wuhan, 430016,China)
Abstract: We have conducted the experimental research on antineoplastic effect of tea pigment (TP-91) extracted from Hubei green tea by our college and chitin extracted from silkwormchrysalis by Life Science College of Hubei University. Mice EAC were used as experimental subjects. The results showed that the rates of inhibiting tumor of TP-91 and chitin were 40.33% and 52.1% respectively; Lymphocyte counts of peripheral blood were 8.80±2.41 and 8.30±3.18 respectively, which had a significant difference from control group (2.84±0.61), (P<0.01); T lymphocytes counts of peripheral blood were 24.20±4.56 and 14.41±4.37, which were significantly different from control group (4.10±3.35), (P<0.01). The results suggest that both TP-91 and chitin have antineoplastic effect and there will be a good development in preventing and treating tumors. Key words: TP-91; Chitin (poly-N-acetylglucosamine); Mice EAC; Antineoplastic
近来研究发现,许多天然物质在抗肿瘤方面有巨大的潜力。临床资料也表明,肿瘤患者机体免疫功能降低,而免疫功能低下又是导致肿瘤发生的主要原因之一。我们将从湖北绿茶中提取的绿茶素[1]及从蚕蛹壳中提出的壳多糖进行抗肿瘤实验研究,表明这两种天然物质对荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤率及提高外周血淋巴细胞数及T淋巴细胞数均有明显作用。表明这两种天然物质在抗肿瘤提高机体免疫功能方面有显效,为今后临床广泛的应用提供了一定的实验依据。 1 材料 1.1 动物:昆明种小鼠,体重(20±2)g,雌雄兼有,由本院实验动物中心提供。 1.2 瘤株:Ehrli[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中药煎药机的煎煮条件研究 下一个医学论文: 三种热感手法对阳虚大鼠肾上腺超微结构影响的实验研究