心通口服液降低动脉粥样硬化和高脂血症药效学研究 |
摘要:心通口服液具有益气养阴、活血化瘀、软坚化痰之功能,多年用于临床治疗冠心病心绞痛,收到了良好的效果。动物试验表明:心通口服液高剂量组、维生素E组、脉安冲剂组,均能使高脂大鼠的CH,TG值降低(P<0.01),心通口服液高剂量组和维生素E组还能使HDL-C值升高(P<0.01)。心通口服液高剂量组与维生素E组能明显降低鹌鹑高血脂模型的CH和TG(P<0.01)使HDC-C值升高,并可降低动脉粥样硬化斑块的发生率。 关键词: 心通口服液; 动脉粥样硬化; 高脂血症 中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0805(2000)09-0771-02
The Pharmacological Studies of Xintong Oral Liquid on the Treatment of Atheroscleorsis and Hyperlipemia
ZHANG Yu-zhi (Shandong Provincial Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract:In the terms of traditional Chinese medicine, Xintong oral liquid can supplement the vital energy and nurish yin, soft the hard lumps and dissipate phlegm and promote blood circulation to disperse blood stasis. It has been being a well effective drug for the treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris in clinic for many years. This paper reports the animal test results of Xintong oral liquid on treating atheroscleorsis and hyperlipemia in which showed that high dosage of Xintong oral liquid, as well as vitamin E and Maian granules, could decrease the CH and TG values of hyperlipemia rats (P<0.01). And similar to vitamin E, it could increase their HDL-C values (P<0.01). Also same as vitamin E, high dosage of Xintong oral liquid could significantly decrease the CH and TG (P<0.01) and increase the HDL-C of hyperlipemia quails and could decrease their incidence rates of atheroscleorsis emplaques. Key words:Xintong oral liquid; Atheroscleorsis; Hyperlipemia
心通口服液具有益气养阴、活血化瘀、软坚化痰之功能,多年用于临床治疗冠心病心绞痛,治疗效果良好。为了进一步阐明其药效作用,我们进行了降低动脉粥硬化和高脂血症的药效学研究。现将结果报告如下。 1 实验材料 1.1 药物:心通口服液,由山东鲁南制药厂提供,批号980922;维生素E,青岛鱼肝油厂产品,批号980319;脉安冲剂,山东鲁南制药厂提供,批号980822。 1.2 仪器:测定血脂DU自动生化分析仪,美国贝克曼公司出品。 1.3 试剂盒:胆固醇及高密度脂蛋白酶法测定盒,购自浙江宁波市慈城生化试剂厂。 1.4 饲料:高脂饲料配方(基础饲料85%,猪油14%,胆固醇1%,禽用多维素0.1 g/kg)。 1.5 动物:雄性SD大鼠,上海医科大学实验动物部提供;雄性日本鹌鹑,青岛种禽场提供。
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 党参对鼠J 774巨噬细胞吞噬活性的增强效应 下一个医学论文: 人参根和茎叶皂甙对大鼠学习记忆障碍改善作用研究