伸筋草不同提取部位抗炎镇痛药理实验研究 |
曾元儿 叶木荣 徐 晖
提要 采用热板法、醋酸扭体法、鼠耳二甲苯致炎法、醋酸引起腹膜炎法、大白鼠足跖浮肿法,比较伸筋草不同提取部位抗炎、镇痛的药效作用,明确伸筋草有效部位。结果:伸筋草氯仿提取部位、正丁醇提取部位和水提取部位对热致痛有良好的镇痛作用,其中以氯仿提取部位作用最强,但3个提取部位对醋酸引起的扭体反应无影响。3个提取部位均对二甲苯致小鼠耳炎、醋酸致腹膜炎具有显著抑制作用,其中均以氯仿提取部位作用最强;氯仿提取部位对甲醛致大鼠踝关节肿胀有显著的消炎作用,而其它二个部位则无此作用。结论:伸筋草具有显著的抗炎镇痛药理作用,其有效成分集中在氯仿提取部位。 关键词 伸筋草/有效部位; 抗炎、镇痛/药理
Experimental Studies on Anti-inflammation and Analgesia Pharmacological Action of the Different Extracts from Lycopodium japanicum L.
Zeng Yuan er, Ye Murong, Xu Hui College of Chinese Drug,Guangzhou University of TCM, 510405
Abstract Objective:This paper reports comparative studies on anti-inflammation and analgesia pharmacological actions of the different extracts from Lycopodium japanicum L.,so the active extract of Lycopodium japanicum can be identified.Results:(1) Chloroform extract,n-butanol extract and water extract have good analgesia pharmacological action to pain caused by heat in mice,and the action of chloroform extract is the strongest.But the three extracts have no effect to acetic acid causing body distortion test in mice.(2) The three extracts have significant depressions to the inflammation caused by dimethyl benzene on the ear of mice and the peritonitis caused by acetic acid in mice,and the action of chloroform extract is the strongest;chloroform extract has significant anti-inflammation action to ankle swelling in rat caused by fonmaldehycle,but the other two extracts have not the same effect.Conclusion:Lycopodium japanicum L.has significant anti-inflammation and analgesia pharmacological actions,and the active compositions are mainly in chloroform extract. Key words Lycopodium japanicum L./active extract; Anti-inflammation and analgesia/pharmacology
伸筋草为石松科植物石松Lycopodium japanicum Thunb.的干燥全草,是一种应用广泛的治疗风湿痹痛中药,具有祛风除湿、舒筋活络之功效。其临床应用历史悠久,疗效确切,全国大部分地区盛产,药源丰富。《中国药典》(一部)1977年、1990年、1995年版对伸筋草均有收载。近年来,一些学者对其进行了初步的植化[1,2,3,4,5]与药理[6]研究,同时也开展了制剂研究[7]。然而,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 金果榄类药材药理作用比较研究 下一个医学论文: 运用交流电点穴治疗儿童紧张性头痛