太极通天液对偏头痛病人血浆内皮素水平影响 |
项建平 接贵涛 公伟宏 薛彦忠
提要 目的:探讨太极通天液对偏头痛病人血浆内皮素(ET)的影响。方法:采用放射免疫法对110例偏头痛病人口服太极通天液和安慰剂治疗前后血浆ET进行测定,并观察其近期疗效。观察期为4周。结果:太极通天液可明显降低偏头痛病人血浆ET水平( P<0.01),其近期疗效优于安慰剂( P<0.01)。结论:太极通天液能降低偏头痛病人血浆ET水平,是防治偏头痛的良药。 关键词 太极通天液; 偏头痛; 内皮素; 治疗
Effects on Plasma Endothelin Level in Treating Migraine with Taiji Tongtian Oral Solution
Xiang Jianping, Jie Guitao, Gong Weihong, et al Yishui Central Hospital, Shandong Province 276400
Abstract Objective:To study the effects on plasma endothelin (ET) in treating migraine with Taiji Tongtian oral solution. Method: The ET level in plasma was measured by radioimmunoassay in 110 migraine patients treated with Taiji Tongtian oral solution and placebo. The efficacy of therapy in the near future was observed simultaneously. The duration was 4 weeks. The efficacy was assessed on the basis of the changes of plasma ET and the curative effect in the near future. Results:The results showed that the curative effect of Taiji Tongtian oral solution in the near future was superior to placebo and the difference was statistic and significant(P<0.01). Taiji Tongtian oral solution could decrease the plasma ET level in migraine patients significantly(P<0.01). Conclusions:It suggests that Taiji Tongtian oral solution could decrease the plasma ET level in migraine patients, it is a good drug in the prophylaxis of migraine. Key words Taiji Tongtian oral solution; Migraine; Endothelin; Treatment
1 对象与方法 1.1 研究对象:全部病例均来自我院神经内科门诊。 1.1.1 入选标准:偏头痛的诊断根据国际头痛协会1988年制定的诊断标准[5],神经系统检查阴性,头颅CT/MRI正常。所选病例均为头痛发作期,病程在1 a以上,且在入选前1月未服用其它防治偏头痛药物。 1.1.2 排除标准:凡有内科疾病、高血压及明显精神心理因素者均不作为选择对象。 所选病人总数为110例,被随机分为2组:太极通天液组70例,安[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 清平减肥果茶减肥作用实验研究 下一个医学论文: 氢氧化钙 淀粉法测定脑络宁胶囊中砷的限量