手术与非手术治疗Mason 型桡骨小头骨折疗效分析 |
erage elbow score was 91.2 for operation group and 82.5 for conservative group,15 cases were graded excellent,11 good,and 2 fair in operation group.The overall excellent and good rate was 92.9%.In conservative group,there were 10 cases of excellent,11 cases of good and 6 cases of fair and the overall excellent and good rate was 77.8%.The elbow performance score of operation group was significantly better than that of conservative group(P<0.01).Conclusion Copmared with non²operative treatment,operative treatment has obvious advantage in joint motion,muscle power and function recovery,and it should be the first choice for the patients of the Mason type Ⅱ radial head fractures.
Key words:radial head fractures;clinical effect;clinical research
桡骨小头骨折是肘部外伤中较常见的关节内骨折。现在对MasonⅠ型桡骨小头骨折的治疗方法比较一致,即通过保守治疗,早期活动肘关节,其结果及预后良好。但对于Mason Ⅱ型桡骨小头骨折采取手术或保守治疗仍存在不同意见,各有良好疗效的报道[2,3]。收集我院2000年1月至2005年12月,对55 例Mason Ⅱ型桡骨小头骨折行手术与非手术治疗的随访资料,对手术与非手术疗效进行比较,为选择治疗Mason Ⅱ型桡骨小头骨折的最佳方案提供参考。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组55 例,男40 例,女15 例;平均年龄28.2 岁(18~46 岁)。28 例行手术治疗,受伤至手术时间平均3 d(1~6 d)。其中19 例行钢板内固定,9 例行螺钉配合克氏针内固定。27 例因各种原因行非手术治疗,其中石膏外固定3~4周18 例,三角巾短期外固定9 例。所有患者为闭合性损伤,合并其他损伤12 例,其中尺骨冠状突骨折2 例,鹰嘴骨折3 例,内侧副韧带损伤7 例。
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