被毒蛇咬伤患者血浆D二聚体和常规凝血指标的变化及意义 |
【摘要】 目的 探讨被不同毒性毒蛇咬伤后患者血浆D-二聚体(D-D)和常规凝血指标的变化及临床意义。方法 58例被毒蛇咬伤患者(其中血循毒35例,非血循毒23例),在被毒蛇咬伤后就诊未治疗前,采集血标本检测D-D和血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、血浆纤维蛋白原(FIB)含量及血小板计数(PLT)等,并与30例正常对照比较分析。结果 血循毒组及非血循毒组D-D、PT、APTT明显高于对照组,其中血循毒组明显高于非血循毒组;PLT明显低于对照组,其中血循毒组明显低于非血循毒组;FIB血循毒组明显低于对照组,而非血循毒组明显高于对照组。血循毒组D-D含量与PT、APTT、FIB和PLT的异常变化具有一定的相关性;非血循毒患者血浆D-D含量变化与上述凝血指标的变化均无相关性。结论 被血循毒毒蛇咬伤后易导致弥散性血管内凝血(DIC),检测患者D-D及常规凝血指标,可了解患者的凝血状况,防止DIC的进一步发生具有很好的临床意义。
【关键词】 毒蛇;血浆;D-二聚体;凝血The changes of plasma concentration of D-Dimer(D-D) and other common blood coagulation indicators in patients bitten by venomous snakes and their clinical significance
LI Shaopei ZHU Weizhong. The People's Hospital of Longquan,Longquan,323700,China
【Abstract】 Objectives To explore the changes of plasma D-Dimer(D-D) and other common blood coagulation indicators in the patients bitten by venomous snakes and their clinical significance. Methods The blood concentration of D-Dimer(D-D) 、fibrinogen(FIB)、platelet (PLT) as well as thrombin time (PT) 、activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) were tested in 58 patients bitten by venomous snakes(including 35 patients with blood circulation poisoning and 23 patients without blood circulation poisoning) before any treatment, the same tests went to 30 normal controls. Results The b[1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 颅脑手术后影像学复查结果与预后分析 下一个医学论文: 创伤性休克家兔血浆TXA2和PGI2的动态变化以及葛根素的调控作用