【摘要】 目的 观察自制祛腐生肌膏敷料配合高压氧舱治疗感染性伤口的临床疗效。方法 将156例感染性伤口患者随机分为2组。2组均予0.2%碘伏稀释液、0.9%氯化钠注射液及3%双氧水消毒冲洗伤口,祛除坏死组织,并根据实验室细菌培养加药敏试验结果,常规予敏感抗生素。治疗组80例予祛腐生肌膏敷料敷于创面或填塞入脓腔直至底部并配合高压氧舱治疗,对照组76例以0.5%碘伏纱块或纱条湿敷创面或填塞脓腔。2组均治疗9日后观察伤口面积的变化,2周后观察临床疗效及愈合时间。结果 2组治疗9日后伤口面积比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);2组治疗2周后临床疗效及愈合时间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组明显优于对照组。结论 自制祛腐生肌膏敷料配合高压氧舱治疗感染性伤口疗效确切。
【关键词】 中草药 膏剂 敷料 伤口感染 治疗 高压氧
Observation of combination Qufushengji paste of and high pressure oxygen on wound infection
WANG Lixin Dept.
of Surgery, Chengde County Hospital of TCM, Hebei, Chengde 067400
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effect of combination of Qufushengji paste and high pressure oxygen on wound infection. Methods 156 patients with infected wound were randomly divided into two groups. Wound of patients in two groups were initially sterilized and washed with 0.5% iodophors, 0.9% sodium chloride injection and 3% hydrogen peroxide, and necrotic tissue of wound were eliminated. According to the results of bacterial culture and susceptibility test, sensitive antibiotics were given. And then patients in treatment group (n=80) were treated by combination of high pressure oxygen and applying of Qufushengji paste to raw surface or putting in vomica. Patients in control group (n=76) were treated by applying of 0.5% iodophors gauze to raw surface or putting in vomica. Changes of wound area were observed in two groups after nine days. Clinical effect and healing time were observed after two weeks. Results There was obvious difference between two groups on wound area (P<0.01). Clinical effect and healing time in treatment group were superior to those in control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Combination of Qufushengji paste and high pressure oxygen has certain effect on wound infection.
【Key words】 Chinese medicinal herb; Paste;Dressing;Wound infection; Treatmen
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