fective and the total effective rate was 955%;in the control group,8 patients were clinically cured,4 markedly effective,3 effective,5 ineffective and the total effective rate was 750%.The therapeutic effect in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group (P<005).Serum IL2 level was increased,and sIL2R decreased in the two groups after treatment (P<001 compared with those before treatment),and the above changes were obvious in the treatment group (P<005).The protein expression of platelet Fas and FasL and PAIgG level was downregulated (P<001 compared with that before treatment),and the effect was obvious in the treatment group (P<005).T Lymphocyte subtype CD+4 percentage and CD+4/CD+8 ratio were increased,and CD+8 percentage was decreased in the two groups after treatment (P<005 compared with those before treatment).ConclusionTherapy of dispelling wind can enhance the therapeutic effect of bloodcooling and kidneytonifying herbs for chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Key words: PURPURA,THROMBOCYTOPENIC/TCD therapy;DISPELLING WIND;COOLING BLOOD;TONIFYING KIDNEY
特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura,ITP)是常见出血性疾病,目前被公认为是一种由于患者体内产生自身抗血小板抗体,致使血小板寿命缩短,破坏增多,数量减少为病理特征的自身免疫性疾病,属中医“血证”、“紫斑”、“肌衄”等范畴。我们在以补肾凉血法治疗慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜(CITP)取得良好疗效的基础上[1],加用祛风法使疗效得到进一步提高,同时还观察了该法对CITP一些相关免疫指标的影响,现将结果报道如下。
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