丘少鹏 陈辉熔 刘建中 邓春华 2005-12-13 13:27:51 中华现代中西医杂志 2003年7月第1卷第4期
【摘要】 目的 研究前列通淤提取液对体外培养前列腺基质平滑肌细胞增殖与凋亡的影响。方法 分别以10 -5 、2×10 -5 、10×10 -5 、50×10 -5 、100×10 -5 g/L5种不同浓度前列通淤提取液作用体外培养前列腺基质平滑肌细胞,采用MTT和TUNEL的方法分别测定抗增殖指数和凋亡指数。结果 5种不同浓度前列通淤提取液作用48h后抗增殖指数分别为53.52%、56.92%、72.94%、65.53%和50.61%,抗增殖效果随着浓度增大而增大,10×10 -5 g/L时达到最大,但浓度继续增高时抗增殖效果逐渐减少。10×10 -5 g/L前列通淤提取液作用24、48和72h后凋亡指数分别为1.1%、1.8%和1.6%,与对照组比较差异有显著性。结论10 -5 ~100×10 -5 g/L前列通淤提取液体外作用前列腺基质平滑肌细胞具有显著的抗增殖作用,而无诱导凋亡作用。
关键词 前列腺 平滑肌细胞 前列通淤 细胞凋亡
Influence of extracted liquid from qianlietongyu on the
proliferation or apoptosis of cultured prostatic stromal smooth muscle cells
Qiu Shaopeng,Chen Huirong,Liu Jianzhong,et al.
Department of Urology,the First Affiliated Hospital,Zhongshan University,Guangdong510080.
【Abstract】 Objective To study the influences of extracted liquid from qianlietongyu on the proliferation and apoptosis of prostatic stromal smooth muscle cells.Methods After extracted liquid from qianlietongyu(10 -5 ,2×10 -5 ,10×10 -5 ,50×10 -5 ,100×10 -5 g/L)treated the cultured prostatic stromal cells,the antiproliferation index and apoptosis index were assessed byMTT assay and terminal deoxynucleotidy transferase mediated dUTP nick end laˉbeling(TUNEL)respectively.Results The antiproliferation index were53.52%,56.92%,72.94%,65.53%and50.61%from lower concentration to higher one.With higher concentration,there were higher antiproliferative effects,but there was a decreased trend of antiproliferative effects over the concentration of10×10 -5 g/L.The apoptosis index were1.1%,1.8%,and1.6%after
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