江涵 胡大仁 彭金华 徐建军 何 雄 唐燕华 魏文嵩 2005-12-13 13:08:21 中华现代中西医杂志 2004年8月第2卷第8期
【摘要】 目的 探讨参麦注射液对心脏换瓣手术患者免疫功能的影响。方法 40例心脏换瓣手术患者随机分为实验组和对照组。实验组于麻醉成功后、转机前静脉点滴100ml参麦注射液,次日始100ml/日静脉点滴直至术后第5天;对照组按常规方法治疗。2组分别于术前、术后1天、术后3天、术后7天抽取静脉血,检测T淋巴细胞转化指标、红细胞C 3b 受体花环形成率(RBC-C 3b RR)及红细胞免疫复合物花环形成率(RBC-ICRR)。结果 两组病人术后第1天CPM、SI和RBC-C 3b RR水平均较术前有不同程度的降低,其中参麦注射液组能较快恢复至术前水平(术后第3天),对照组CPM和SI术后第7天均未恢复,RBC-C 3b RR术后第7天才恢复。而RBC-ICRR手术前后变化不大。结论 心脏换瓣手术患者术后细胞免疫功能受到明显抑制。参麦注射液能减轻细胞免疫的抑制状态,提高细胞免疫功能,减少机体术后感染的易感性,有利于患者恢复。
关键词 心脏换瓣 参麦注射液 红细胞 免疫性
Influence of Senmei Injection on immune function
of the patients with cardiac valve replacement
Jiang Han,Hu Daren,Peng Jinhua,et al.
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Second Affiliated Hospital,
Jiangxi Medical College,Nanchang330006.
【Abstract】 Objective To study the influence of Senmei Injection on human cellular immune function and the immune modulating effect of Senmei Injection.Methods 40patients scheduled for cardiac valve replacement with CPB were randomly divided into two groups,Control group(n=20)and Senmei group(n=20).Senmei group paˉtients received100ml Senmei Injection before CPB and100ml everyday after the operation until the postoperative fifth day.control group received conventional perioperative therapy.The lymphocyte transformation index(CPM,SI)and the RCIA including erythrocyte C 3b receptor rosette rate(RBC-C 3b RR)and RBC immune complexes rosette rete(RBC-ICRR)were measured at specially designed time:the day before operation,the postoperative first day,third day and seventh day.Results Postoperative reduction in the date were observed to some degree in bothgroups.In Senmei group,these values decreased mildly and restored quickly.The values of control-group restored slowly and not restored until seventh day.Conclusion Cell-mediated immunity is impaired after cardiac valve replacement opˉer
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