【摘要】 目的观察中药复方红袍胃安通过正交设计法按方药组成君、臣、佐、使拆分出的部分组方对小鼠胃排空、肠推进的影响和对大鼠胃液分泌等指标的影响,评价出该复方拆方后的最有效的精简组方,为进一步研发打下基础。方法采用综合法造成大鼠慢性胃炎模型,大鼠幽门结扎法分析胃液,蛋清毛细管法,小鼠胃排空及肠推进等实验方法。结果造模动物经给药后,除方10(厚朴+马蹄香+甘草)外,胃液分泌量均显著降低;方3(延胡索+隔山消+陈皮+苍术)、方4(甘草)和方9(厚朴+马蹄香+延胡索+隔山消+陈皮+苍术)能显著降低胃液的总酸度,方2(厚朴+马蹄香)和方11(延胡索+隔山消+陈皮+苍术+甘草)降低胃液总酸度的作用次之;方5(全方)有增强的趋势,方7(大红袍+白术+延胡索+隔山消+陈皮+苍术)和方8(大红袍+白术+甘草)有降低胃蛋白酶活性的趋势;给药组方2(厚朴+马蹄香)、方5(全方)、方6(大红袍+白术+厚朴+马蹄香)的作用与香砂平胃组相当,能增强小鼠对酚红的排空率,方3,7,9,10,11能减慢小鼠的胃排空率;给药组方5、方6与香砂平胃阳性药组比,其作用相当,能显著促进小肠推进运动。结论综合以上实验结果得出,方6(大红袍+白术+厚朴+马蹄香)药效作用与全方最为接近。
【关键词】 红袍胃安; 拆方分析; 药效研究
Prescription Dismantlement Study on the Main Pharmacodynamics of Hongpao Weian
MAO Xiaojian, YUAN Xue, LU Guiping, ZHAO Jie
(Yunnan University of TCM,Kunming Yunnan,650200,China)
Abstract:Objective To separate Hongpao Weian prescription according to principles of principal , assistant, complement and guide. To observe the effects of separated ones on gastric emptying and intestine propulsion in mice on gastric juice secretion volume in rats.Appraise the best simplified separated prescription ,which may present a foundation for its further study. MethodsChronic gastritis model in rats was induced by composite methods, gastric juice after pylorus was ligated of model rats, and the methods of egg white capillary, gastric emptying and intestine propulsion in mice were used.ResultsAll separated prescriptions except the 10th one (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Valeriana jatamansi, Glycyrrhiza ) obviously decreased the gastric juice volume in model animals; the 3rd (Rhizoma corydalis,Geranium strictipes R. Knuth,Pericarpium citri reticulatae,Atractylodes lancea),4th(Glycyrrhiza) and 9th prescription (Cortex magnoliae officinalis,Valeriana jatamansi、Rhizoma corydalis Geranium strictipes R. Knuth,Pericarpium citri reticulatae,tractylodes lancea;) obviously decreased total acidity of gastric juice, the 2nd (Cortex ma
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