【摘要】 目的 研究地尔硫艹卓对冠心病患者P波离散度及心率变异性的影响,寻找冠心病心律失常早诊、早治新途径。方法 将100例冠心病患者分为有房颤组及无房颤组,根据是否应用地尔硫艹卓分为用药组及未用药组。用药前及用药1年后分别测定P波离散度及心率变异性。并以50例体检的非冠心病、糖尿病及高血压老年人为正常对照组。结果 冠心病患者P波离散度高于对照组,房颤组P波离散度高于无房颤组,差异有显著性。冠心病组心率变异性低于对照组。冠心病用药组P波离散度低于未用药组,差异有显著性,用药后P波离散度下降,房颤组房颤复发减少。用药组心率变异性用药后明显升高。结论 P波离散度及心率变异性是监测冠心病心律失常的无创性敏感指标。地尔硫艹卓可降低P波离散度、改善心率变异性,提高冠心病心律失常的治愈率,降低冠心病房颤的发生率、致残率及致死率。
【关键词】 冠心病;P波离散度;心率变异性;地尔硫艹卓
Diltiazem to variation influence of P wave dispersion degree of coronary artery disease and heart rates
SHENG Guo-yin,DENG Ji-bing,NIU Dong-mei,et al.PLA 534 Hospital,Luoyang 471003,China
[Abstract] Objective To study diltiazem to coronary P wave dispersion degree and variability of herat rate group,look for early diagnosis,early cure lately go by way of arrhythmia.Methods 100 patients were divided into atrial fibrillation and without atrial fibrillation group,according to whether to use diltiazem is divided into use medicine group and don t use medicine group.Before use medicine and 1 year later respectively detected P wave discrete degree and herat rate variability.50 people without coronary,diabetes mellitus and hypertension were as normal matched control.Results Coronary sufferer s P wave discrete degree were higher than in matched control,In atrial fibrillation bench P wave discrete degree were higher than in no atrial fibrillation bench.In coronary bench heart rate variability were lower than matched control.in medicine bench P wave discrete degree were lower than without medicine bench,P wave dispersion degree dropped,in atrial fibrillation bench atrial fibrillation relapse reduced.In medicine bench herat rate variability after use of the medicine obviously went up.Conclusion P wave discrete degree and variability of herat rate is sensitive to monitor coronary arrhythmia disorder.Diltiazem reduces P wave discrete degree,improves heart rate variability,improves cure
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