【摘要】 目的: 观察中西医结合治疗小儿过敏性紫癜的临床疗效。方法: 72例过敏性紫癜患儿随机分为治疗组36例及对照组36例;两组均用西替利嗪片、泼尼松片、芦丁、vit-c口服,治疗组加用中药治疗,共治疗两周。结果: 总有效率:治疗组;97.22%,对照组:83.33%.两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论: 中西医结合治疗过敏性紫癜痊愈率高,副作用小,复发率低。
【关键词】 过敏性紫癜 中西医结合 对照治疗
Integrated Treatment of Children Henoch-Schonlein Purpura 36 Cases
Qi Li-cong
Jixian County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin,Jixian 301900,China
【ABSTRACT】 Objective: To observate the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura.Methods: 72 cases of children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura were randomly divided into 36 cases of the treatment group and control group of 36 patients in both groups with cetirizine films,prednisone tablets,rutin,vitmine-c oral treatment group were treated with traditional Chinese medicine,a total of two weeks. Results: The total efficiency: the treatment group; 97.22%,the control group: 83.33%. Between the two groups was significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion: Integrated Treatment of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura high cure rate,side effects,and low recurrence rate.
【KEY WORDS】 Henoch-Schonlein purpura; Integrated Chinese and Western; Medicine in the treatment of observation
1 一般资料
2 治疗方法
两组均应用西替利嗪片5~10mg每日一次口服,泼尼松10mg每日3次口服,及维生素C0.5~1g每日3次芦丁 mg每日3次口服;治疗期间嘱卧床休息,避免剧烈运动;给予患儿无动物蛋白、无渣的流质饮食,忌食动物性食物及刺激性、热性食物及调味品。治疗组加用自拟活血化淤中药方(犀角、地黄、白芍、丹皮、金银花、连翘、黄柏、黑栀子、地榆),伴关节痛加羌活、没药、牛夕、川芎、秦艽、当归、红花、桃仁;伴腹痛者加小茴香、延胡索、没药、当归、川芎、肉桂、赤芍、蒲黄、茜草、五灵脂、白茅根;血尿者加白茅根、仙鹤草、芡实、益母草。水煎取汁200ml 2日一剂30ml每日3次口服。用药2周。
3 疗效标准
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