【摘要】 目的 观察替吉奥治疗晚期胃癌的疗效及安全性。方法 对32例具有可测量指标的晚期胃癌患者采用替吉奥胶囊80mg/m2·d,分2次口服,连服14d,21d为1周期,连用3周期,化疗后休息1个月评定疗效。结果 32例患者中CR 4例,PR 10例,SD 8例,PD 10例,有效率43.75%,主要毒副反应为厌食、恶心、呕吐、皮肤色素沉着、白细胞减少等。结论 替吉奥治疗晚期胃癌有较好疗效,副作用小,特别适宜于年老体弱患者。
【关键词】 替吉奥 晚期胃癌 疗效
The therapeutic effect and safety of Gimeraciland Dteracil Porassium Lapsules in the treatment of AGC(GAO Yuan.Jinyang hospital,Guiyang 550001, China.) 【Abstract】 Objective To observe therapeutic effect and safety of Gimeraciland Oteracil Porassium Capsules in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer (AGC). Methods 32 AGC patients with measurable indicators were chosen to take Gimeraciland Oteracil Porassium Capsules 80mg/m2·d, Sub-2 Oral, Continuous taking 14 days, 21 days for a cycle and continuous for 3 cycles, Assessed efficacy 1 month rest after chemotherapy. Results In 32 AGC patients, CR4,PR 10, SD 8, PD10, effective rate is 43.75%, the major toxicities were anorexia, nausea, vomiting, skin pigmentation and leucopenia etc. Conclusion Gimeraciland Oteracil Porassium Capsules in treatment of advanced gastric cancer(AGC) has better effect with little t toxicity and side effects, especially for patients old and frail.
【Key words】 Gimeraciland Oteracil Porassium Capsules, AGC, therapeutic effect
1.1 材料 全组32例患者,大多数为年龄较大、体质较差或拒绝接受联合化疗的患者。其中,男性18例,女性14例。年龄(58~78)岁。所有病例均经病理组织学确诊为胃癌,病期Ⅲ~Ⅳ期,既往未接受过化疗,至少有1个以上可测量病灶.KPS≥60分,预计生存期>3个月。
1.2 治疗方法 替吉奥胶囊(80mg/m2)/d,分早晚2次餐后服用,连用14d,间隔7d,21d为1周期,共用3个周期,3周期后评价疗效。每周期化疗前后检查血常规、尿常规、大便常规、心电图及肝、肾功能。
1.3 疗效评定 可测量病灶按WHO标准分为CR、PR、SD、PD。不良反应按WHO抗癌药物常见毒副反应分级标准0~Ⅳ度。
2.1 近期疗效 全组32例患者均可评价客观疗效,CR 4例,PR 10例,SD 8例,PD 10例,有效率达43.75 %。
2.2 不良反应 32例患者96个周期中,不良反应主要为消化道反应、皮肤色素沉着及骨髓抑制,但多为Ⅰ度,Ⅱ度毒性反应,详见表1。
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