【摘要】 通过对芳香开窍药麝香、冰片、苏合香、安息香的药效物质基础研究进展的整理、分析,探索其共性,拟为深入研究该类药的共性物质—药性—开窍醒神效应之间的关联性提供科学参考。结果表明,四味芳香开窍药主含挥发油,均含有脂环化合物,并存在一些共有成分,如龙脑冰片与苏合香挥发油中均含有倍半萜类成分石竹烯;苏合香和安息香皆为树脂类中药,两者均含有香荚兰醛成分,尚含树脂酯,香脂酸等。
【关键词】 芳香开窍药; 物质基础; 麝香; 冰片; 苏合香; 安息香
Progress on Studies of Pharmacodynamic Material Basis of Resuscitation-inducing Aromatic Herbs
XIA Houlin, DONG Xiaoping, WANG Jian*, WU Yuanbo, DONG Zhong, SHI Zhanying
(Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Chengdu 610075 , China)
Abstract:By summarizing and analysing the progress on studies of pharmacodynamic material basis of resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs such as Moschus,Borneolum Syntheticum,Styrax,Benzoinum, and exploring the generality of those herbs,to provide scientific reference for further studies on the relevance of common substance ,nature and the efficiency of restoring consciousness and inducing resuscitation of those herbs.The result indicates that those four resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs mainly contain volatile oil ,and all contain alicyclic compounds; the volatile oil of Borneolum Syntheticum and Styrax both contain Sesquiterpenes of caryophyllene; as resin herbs , Styrax and Benzoinum both contain vanillin, resin ester and balsamic acid .
Key words:Resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs; Material Basis; Moschus; Borneolum Syntheticum; Styrax; Benzoinum
1 麝香
麝香为鹿科动物林麝Moschus berezovskii Flerov、马麝Moschus sifanicus Przewalski或原麝Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus成熟雄体香囊中的干燥分泌物[1]。
麝香主含大环化合物、甾体化合物、蛋白质、氨基酸和无机成分[2]。其中大环化合物含麝香酮、麝香吡啶[3]、羟基麝香吡啶A、羟基麝香吡啶B等[4]。严克东等(《中国药学会学术会议论文集》1962,第89页)从麝香中分离出2α-羟基-5α雄甾烷-17-酮和3α-羟基-5β-雄甾烷-l7-酮等雄甾烷类化合物。Jae Chul
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