【关键词】 米非司酮;丙酸睾酮;子宫肌瘤;贫血
The clinical observation of that mifepristone collaborates testosterone propionate to cure the leiomyoma uteri with hemophthisis
YANG Rui, LIU Xiao-ming
(Liaoning province Beizhen city women and children s hospital Liaoning province Beizhen city 121300)
【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the curative effect that the mifepristone collaborates testosterone propionate to cure the leiomyoma uteri with hemophthisis. Methods:the patients are divided to two groups by trabant,one makes use of mifepristone,the other adds testosterone propionate, Measure the transmutation of the volume to eiomyoma uteri and the concentration to haemoglobin.Results: the therapeutic effects of two groups are perfect,but the difference between the two groups has no statistical significance.Conclusions: the curative effect is perfect that the mifepristone cure the leiomyoma uteri with hemophthisis,the significance collaborateing testosterone propionate is not sure.
【Key words】Mifepristone;Testosterone propionate;Leiomyoma uteri;Hemophthisis
1 资料和方法
1.1 临床资料
1.2 方法
所有患者予常规对症支持治疗, A组患者在月经第1天开始口服米非司酮(上海华联制药公司生产),日2次,每次20 mg;B组患者除予A组治疗外,每周肌注丙酸睾酮(上海华联制药公司生产)2次,25 mg/次,治疗4周。所有患者治疗3个月,在治疗前和治疗期间,定期检查血常规、肝、肾功能。每个月用B超测量肌瘤的三维径线,按公式:4πabc/3计算肌瘤体积,对于多发肌瘤,选取最大肌瘤作为代表。
1.3 统计方法
2 结果
2.1 贫血
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