【摘要】 目的 比较齐拉西酮和奎硫平与奋乃静合并用药对精神分裂症的治疗效果和安全性。方法 分别用齐拉西酮合并奋乃静与奎硫平合并奋乃静对60例精神分裂症患者进行为期6周的对照治疗,采用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定疗效。用副反应量表(TESS)评定副反应。结果 齐拉西酮组显效率80%,有效率96.7%;奎硫平组显效率80%,有效率93.3%;齐拉西酮组的主要副反应为转氨酶升高、粒细胞减少及窦性心动过缓,奎硫平组的副反应为体重增加和心动过速。结论 齐拉西酮与奋乃静合用与奎硫平、奋乃静合用治疗精神分裂症均有较好疗效,且安全性能以奎硫平合用奋乃静高。
【关键词】 齐拉西酮;奎硫平;奋乃静;精神分裂症
A Contrast Study on Ziprasidone and Quetiapine Combined with Perphenazine in Treating Schizophrenia
Liu Zongfeng
the Mental Health Center of Linyi City, Shandong Province 276005, P.R.China
Abstract Objective To compare the curative effect and safety of ziprasidone and quetiapine combined with perphenazine in treating schizophrenia. Methods 60 cases with schizophrenia were randomly divided into 2 groups: ziprasidone group and quetiapine group; ziprasidone and quetiapine, both combined with perphenazine, were applied respectively to the patients in the 2 groups, the course lasted for 6 weeks; PANSS was used to assess the curative effect while TESS was adopted to assess the side effect. Results The effectual rate in ziprasidone group was 80% and the effective rate was 96.7% while the effectual rate in quetiapine group was 80% and the effective rate was 93.3%; the main side effects in ziprasidone group included aminotransferase increase, granulocyte decrease and sinus bradycardia while the side effects in quetiapine group included body weight increase and tachycardia. Conclusions Ziprasidone and quetiapine combined with perphenazine are effective in treating schizophrenia and even safer treatment can be gained by quetiapine combined with perphenazine.
KEYWORDS ziprasidone quetiapine perphenazine schizophrenia
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
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