【摘要】 目的:探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清中共刺激分子sCD40L、转化生长因子TGFβ1的测定对疾病活动性的预测价值。方法: 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测SLE患者和正常人血清sCD40L和TGFβ1的水平,分析两种指标的含量与SLE患者的疾病活动度指数SLEDAI和免疫学指标(ANA,dsDNA等)的相关性,并进行SLE病例的前瞻性和治疗前后对照研究。结果: (1)SLE患者血清sCD40L水平为5.87 μg/L,显著高于正常对照组2.31 μg/L;而SLE患者血清TGFβ1为48.3 μg/L,显著低于正常对照组70.4 μg/L。 (2) SLE患者血清sCD40L水平活动期高于稳定期(P<0.05),ANA高滴度组高于ANA低滴度组,dsDNA抗体阳性组高于dsDNA抗体阴性组,并与SLE患者SLEDAI呈正相关(r=0.253);SLE患者血清TGFβ1水平活动期与稳定期差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),与SLE患者SLEDAI亦无明显相关(r=-0.071)。(3)以SLE非活动性组的±s作为评判临界值,定量检测sCD40L对SLE活动性的预测具有较好的灵敏度、特异度。结论: sCD40L与SLE发病有关,可反映SLE患者的疾病活动性,定量检测可有助于预测患者的病情活动和转归。
【关键词】 系统性红斑狼疮; sCD40L; TGFβ1; SLEDAI
Study of the serum sCD40L and TGFβ1 correlating with the disease activity and the value of therapeutic prediction in
systemic lupus erythematosus
XU Hongxing, QIU Dehua, SONG Hengrui, WANG Huijuan, JI Xiaohui
(Department of Clinical Laboratory, Department of Dermatology,the Affiliated Suzhou Municipal Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou Jiangsu 215002;Department of Microbiology & Immunology,Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210029,China)
[Abstract]Objective: To study the serum sCD40L and TGFβ1 correlating with the value of therapeutic prediction of the disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods: Mensurated Serum sCD40L and TGFβ1 levels in patients with SLE and healthy controls were detected by using a commercially available ELISA system and the correlation of the levels of two detecting indexes in SLE patients were analyzed with SLEDAI scores and other immune markers (ANA, dsDNA etc) . The judgment of disease activity with the levels of sCD40L and TGFβ1 was also studied. Results: (1)The average level of sCD40L in SLE patients was 5.87 μg/L, higher than 2.31 μg/L in the healthy controls. The average level of TGFβ1 in SLE patients was 48.3 μg/L, lower than 70.4 μg/L in the healthy controls. (2)Serum level of sCD40L was significantly highe
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