【摘要】 目的:研究依达拉奉联用巴曲酶在急性脑梗死治疗中的疗效。方法:120例脑梗死的患者分为联用组(巴曲酶加依达拉奉)、巴曲酶组和对照组,每组40例。观察治疗后神经功能改善情况。结果:联用组治疗后各时期NDS评分均显著高于对照组(P < 0. 01)及巴曲酶组(P< 0. 05 ) .结论:依达拉奉与巴曲酶联用能显著提高急性脑梗死的疗效。
【关键词】 心肝肾功能衰竭;依达拉奉;巴曲酶;急性脑梗死;巴曲酶
Clinic Observation of Batroxobin with Edaravone in Treatment
of Acute Cerebral InfarctionLin Yaxin,et al
Department of Neurology,Heilongjiang Province Hospital( Harbin 150036, China)
Abstract:Objective:To observe the efficacy and safety of Batroxobin combined with Edaravone in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. Methods: One hundred patients of acute cerebral infarction were randomly divided into three groups, the combined group was given with Batroxobin and Edaravone, Batroxobin group was given with Batroxobin and the control group was not treated by Batroxobin or Edaravone. All groups were treated with routine thearpy (Shuxuening injection and Citicoline). Changes of neurologic defect and curatibe effect in three groups were assessed at different points before and after treatment. Results:The scores of NDS of combined groups increased significantly after treatment compared with the other two groups (p<0.01). Conclusion:Batroxobin combined with edaravone is an effective and safe therapy in treatment of acute cerebral infarction.
Key words:Edaravone; Batroxobin; Cerelbral inrarction,acute
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
2008年5月-2009年5月在我院住院的发病48小时内脑梗死患者120例,为首次发病或过去患病后未留下神经功能缺损者,临床诊断均符合1995年第四届全国脑血管病学术会议标准,并经头部CT证实。凡年龄>80岁、有明显意识障碍、具有出血史及消化道溃疡史、最近做过手术、有心肝肾功能衰竭、已应用抗凝或抗血小板药物、血压超过200/100 mmHg者均不入选。依达拉奉联合巴曲酶治疗组,单纯巴曲酶治疗组及对照组各40例。三组间年龄、性别、并发症、发病时间及治疗前神经功能缺损程度均无明显差异(P>0. 05)。
1.2 治疗方法:巴曲酶组给予巴曲酶首次剂量10BU, 3、5天分别给予5BU,均以生理盐水100ml稀释后静滴,30分钟内滴完。联用组同时给予依达拉奉30mg+生理盐水100ml稀释后静滴,每隔12小时1次,共用14天。对照组不用上述两种药物治疗。三组均同时给予舒血宁20ml,胞二磷胆碱0.5g分别加入生理盐水250ml静滴14天。其他治疗药物无差别。三组均住院14天以上,并于治疗后90天门诊随访进行疗效评定。
1.3 实验室检查:各组均在用药前及用药后14天检查凝血酶原时间、国际标准化比值(NR)纤维蛋白原(FB) 。治疗前后均查肝肾功能、血尿常规、血脂、
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