腹膜后径路与经腹腔行腹主动脉手术的对比性研究 |
景在平 曹贵松 叶必远 仲剑平 赵志青 徐斌 周颖奇 包俊敏 周旭宇 【摘要】 目的 本研究通过回顾性分析探讨腹膜后径路与经腹腔行腹主动脉手术的优缺点 ,旨在为临床探索一种更简便安全的手术径路。方法 从1988年元月至1996年12月,在本院 行腹主动脉瘤(AAA)或腹主髂动脉闭塞(AIOD)手术共44例,其中经腹腔(TAA)26例(23例AAA, 3例AIOD)腹膜后径路(RPA)18例(16例AAA,2例AIOD)。两组病例在性别,年龄,并存病和血管 移植物吻合方法诸方面均差异无显著意义。结果 两组病例的术中总并发症发生率差异无显 著意义(P=0.486)。RPA术后总并发症发生率低于TAA(P<0.01)。RPA 0例,TAA6例发生术 后肠麻痹;RPA 0例TAA 2例发生术后小肠梗阻,两组术后小肠并发症发生率差异有非常显著 意义(P<0.01)。RPA 2例分别死于肝素诱发的血小板减少症和移植物感染,TAA 2例分别死 于肺炎和心肌梗塞。RPA组的住院费明显低于TAA组(P<0.05)。两组间术后肺部并发症差异 无显著意义(P=0.70)。在平均随访32个月,两组间切口疝的发生率无差异。结论 在腹主 动脉手术中,RPA比TAA具有较少的术后并发症,住院和住ICU时间较短。腹膜后径路是一种 较简便安全的腹主动脉手术径路。
【关键词】 主动脉,腹 血管外科手术 手术后并发症 A comparative study on transabdominal versus retroperitoneal approach for abdominal aortic surgery Jing Zaiping,Cao Guisong,Ye Biyuan,et al.Department of Vascular Surgery,Changhai Teaching Hospital, Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433.
【Abstract】 Objective To retrospectively compare transabdominal with retroperitoneal approach to the aorta for infrarenal aortic reconstruction.Methods From January 1988 to December 1996,Patients undrgoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) wer e included in the retrospective comparison of transabdominal approach (TAA) with retroperitoneal approach (RPA) for aortic surgery. Forty-four patients were analyzed,with 26 (23 with AAA and 3 with AIOD) in TAA group and 18 (16 with AAA and 2 with AIOD) in RPA group.There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of age,sex,comorbid conditions,and vascular graft anastomoses .Results The incidence of intraoperative complications was similar for both groups.Postoperatively,RPA group had significantly fewer overall complications than TAA group (P<0.01).The incidence of prolonged ileus (6 cases in TAA group,none in RPA group) and small bowel obstruc[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 腹膜后肿瘤手术并下腔静脉及肾静脉切除与重建 下一个医学论文: 颅外颈动脉瘤的外科治疗分析