Colles骨折合并桡腕关节背侧半脱位临床诊断标准的探讨 |
贡小英 荣国威 耿向苏 安贵生
【摘要】 目的 探讨Colles骨折合并桡腕关节背侧半脱位(DRS)的临床诊断标准。 方法 对50例Colles骨折合并DRS患者,100例单纯Colles骨折患者,100例正常腕关节的侧位X光片分别进行中点移位和垂线比测量分析。就严重骨折患者,关节面粉碎,移位严重,无法确定关节面中点这一问题,提出新的测量方法——垂线比。 结果 正常对照组、单纯骨折组与骨折合并DRS组,中点移位和垂线比均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。且中点移位和垂线比之间存在显著的相关性(P<0.05)。 结论 研究结果表明,Colles骨折合并DRS时,中点移位和垂线比的改变是明显的,具有临床诊断价值。中点向背侧移位大于2.5 mm、垂线比小于0.76时,可作为合并DRS的诊断依据。 【关键词】 Colles骨折 腕关节 脱位 诊断
Clinical diagnosis of Colles fracture combined with dorsal subluxation of radial carpal joints Gong Xiaoying,Rong Guowei,Geng Xiangsu,et al.Traumatology & Orthopedics Department, Jishuitan Hospital,Beijing 100035. 【Abstract】 Objective To study the criteria for evaluating Colles fractur combined with dorsal radiocarpal subluxation (DRS). Method Fifty cases of Colles fracture combined with DRS,100 cases of simple Colles fracture without DRS, and 100 normal wrist joint controls were included.We analysed central point displacement and perpendicular line ratio on the lateral view X-ray. For comminuted and severely displaced fracture,central point displacement(CPD) was not adopted because of difficulties in identifying the central point of the articular surface.Perpendicular line ratio(PLR) was suggested. Result Prominent difference was seen in the CPDs and the PLRs between the Colles fracture combined with DRS group and the simple Colles fracture and the normal control group (P<0.01).Prominent relevence between the CPD and the PLR was also found (P<0.05).Conclusion Central point displacement and perpendicular line ratio can be regarded as the diagnostic criteria for Colles fracture combined with DRS. PLR is especially valuable when the central point is hard to be identified in very comminuted and severely displaced fractures.DRS is suggested when CPD is more than 2.5 mm and PLR is less than 0.76. 【Key words】 Colles′ fracture Wrist joint Dislocations Diagnosis
Colles骨折患者中,约有11.76%的患者合并桡腕关节背侧半脱位(do[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 同种异体皮质骨移植的生物力学研究 下一个医学论文: 股骨远端疲劳骨折误诊教训