用全自动电动麻醉机进行低流量麻醉的临床观察 |
董英伟 朱玉琦 李继庆 郑方 李淑艳
【摘要】 目的 采用高精密度监测设备和手段对全自动电动麻醉机物理性能测定后进行低流量麻醉观察。方法 将48例胸外科手术病人随机分成两组,分别给予4 L.min-1和0.8 L.min-1流量麻醉,采用Capnomac Datex AS/3多功能麻醉气体监测仪与麻醉机自身监测系统同时监测环路内各气体浓度(N2O、O2、CO2、Iso),并记录各气体(N2O、O2、Iso)及钠石灰消耗量,将两监测系统监测值进行相关性分析。结果 除低流量麻醉超过3小时Eas 9010监测系统对CO2监测与Datex AS/3有明显误差外,对其它各种气体均可准确监测,所测值与Datex AS/3高度相关。低流量麻醉所消耗O2、NO2、Iso量约为高流量的1/3。钠石灰消耗约为高流量3倍。结论 低流量麻醉可节省大量麻醉气体,降低费用,减少环境污染。该麻醉机电子控制系统技术精密,可安全地进行低流量和最低流量麻醉。 【关键词】 麻醉,闭合循环 仪器和设备
Clinical study of low flow anesthesia with electronic universal anesthetic apparatus
DONG Yingwei,ZHU Yuqi, LI Jiqing,et al. First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150001
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of low-flow anesthesia with Engstrom Eas 9010 electronic universal anesthetic apparatus.Methods Forty-eight patients undergoing chest operation,were divided into two groups:high flow anesthesia (HFA) and low flow anesthesia (LFA) Anesthesia gases were monitored with Capnomac Datex AS/3 and Eas 9010 monitor system synchronously.The consumptions of N2O,O2,isoflurane,and soda lime were measured.Results The apparatus had high accuracy gas and anesthetic agent monitor devices except for measuring CO2, with the time of anesthesia passing by (over three hours),the end of expired carbon dioxide concentration monitored by the apparatus was less correlative with by Datex AS/3,the accuracy of monitoing the expired CO2 concentration decreased.The consumptions of N2O,O2 and isoflurane of LFA were one third as much as those of HFA,otherwise soda lime consumption was three times as much as the later.Conclusion This apparatus can be used in low flow or even minimal flow anesthesia safely and reliably with a large amount of anesthetic agent being saved and air polution being reduced. 【Key words】 Anesthesia,closed-circuit Instrumentation
低流量麻醉具有减少手术室污染,改善麻醉气体温度与湿度,降低费用等许多优点,但对麻醉设备和麻醉医师的素质要求也相对增高。本研究拟评价全自动电动麻醉机进行低流量麻醉的[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 硬膜外阻滞时罗哌卡因和布比卡因的药代动力学 下一个医学论文: 异丙酚对心内直视手术病人颅内血浆兴奋性氨基酸水平的影响