生物撞击机的研制及撞击伤发生机制的研究 |
王正国 孙立英 刘宝松 李晓炎 宁 可 尹志勇 杨志焕 朱佩芳 杨志林 宁 心 朱 刚 姜燕平 徐 红
【摘要】 目的 对10年来有关生物撞击机的研制及撞击伤发生机制的研究作一回顾和系统总结。方法 系统整理以往的研究资料,就一些主要问题进行分析总结。结果 (1)研制了BIM-Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ型生物撞击机,可以不同方式、不同速度对不同动物进行撞击实验。(2)建立光弹性模型,探讨了撞击后颅内应力分布过程,证明应力集中区与损伤部位一致。(3)证明循环内皮细胞计数和肌酸磷酸激酶(CK-BB)活性测定在脑损伤早期有诊断意义。(4)脑创伤后脑内出现炎症反应,多形核粒细胞(PMN)浸入和聚集可能在脑继发损伤中起重要作用。(5)脑创伤后Ca2+内流增加,尼莫地平可阻止Ca2+内流,减轻神经细胞损伤。(6)丙酸睾丸酮能促进伤后面神经核内生长相关蛋白(GAP43)的合成,有助于面神经损伤后的修复与再生。(7)胸部撞击伤研究证明,胸部的黏性标准与胸部伤情的相关性最好,变形速度是影响伤情的主要因素。结论 撞击伤是交通事故中最常见的伤类,原发损伤是应力传至体内和应力集中于损伤部位的结果。继发性损伤的机制十分复杂,如出现炎症反应,CK-BB等许多酶活性增强,细胞内Ca2+超载等,采取相应的拮抗剂可不同程度地减轻损伤。 【关键词】 创伤和损伤,撞击 生物力学 损伤机制
Development of Biological Impact Machine and the Study on the Mechanism of Impact Injury
WANG Zhengguo, SUN Liying, LIU Baosong, et al. Research Institute of Surgery, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042
【Abstract】 Objective Looking back to and systemically summing up the research on the development of biomechanical machines and mechanism on impact injury in the past ten years. Methods Looking up previous technical data on research of impact injury, analyzing and summing up some main results. Results (1)Three types (Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ) of biomechanical machines were developed. They may inflict impact injuries on different experimental animals with different ways and speeds.(2)Light-elastic model was established for the research on impacted cerebral injury.The stress distribution in the cranium after impact was observed.It indicted that the stress concentration area was consistent with the injured one.(3)Determination of circulating endothelial cells count and CK-BB activities were useful for the diagnosis of early cerebral injury.(4)There appeared inflammatory response after brain injury. Invasion and accumulation of PMN might play an important role in the development of cerebral secondary injury.(5)There occurred increase of cellular Ca2+ inflow after injury. Nimodipine might prevent Ca2+ inflow.(6)Testo[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 癌基因与修复 下一个医学论文: 冠状动脉旁路移植手术围术期血清肌钙蛋白T水平的变化