广东省中山市城乡中 小学生脊柱侧凸普查及防治 |
李青 刘尚礼 徐卓明 李卫平 卢珍 蔡全 辉刘康 曾毅军 宁晔
【摘要】目的了解脊柱侧凸症在广东中山地区的患病率,做到对此症及时发现、有效防治。方法于1997年6月~1998年6月对广东省中山市城乡26所中、小学18329名7~15岁中、小学生进行了脊柱侧凸的普查,采用“三检筛选”普查方法,即一检体检、二检云纹照像、三检X线摄片。结果体检阳性者613例,云纹照像阳性者187例,X线摄片发现10°以上脊柱侧凸患者112例,患病率为0.61%(112/18329)。对其中110例进行早期体操疗法、悬吊牵引治疗或手术治疗等。结论在青少年时期开展脊柱侧凸的群体普查是早期发现、及时防治脊柱侧凸的一种有效方法。 【关键词】脊柱侧凸 患病率 普查
A General Survey and Treatment of Scoliosis in Primary and Middle School Students in Zhongshan of Guangdong
LI Qing*,LIU Shangli,XU Zhuoming,et al. *Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan City People’s Hospital,Guangdong 528403
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the incidence of scoliosis among school age population in Zhongshan for effective prevention and treatment of scoliosis.Methods From June 1997 to June 1998, 18 329 students between 7 to 15 years old in 26 primary and junior middle schools were checked for scoliosis with three steps of 1)scoliosis physical examination,2)moire topography,and 3)radiography. Results Positive findings were found in 613 cases in physical check, 187 cases were found positive with moire topography and 112 cases had positive findings in the radiography of more than 10 degrees.Prevalence of scoliosis were 0.61%(112/18 329). One hundred and ten of them experienced early gymnastic therapy and suspending traction therapy.Conclusion Investigation of scoliosis among school-age population is very important for early diagnosis and effective prevention and treatment of scoliosis. 【Key words】 Scoliosis Prevalence Mass screening
采用“三检筛选”[3]普查方法,即第一检体检,第二检云纹[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 节段开窗髓核摘除对腰椎稳定性的影响 下一个医学论文: 脊髓型颈椎病手术治疗的远期疗效