249例重型颅脑损伤救治策略分析 |
石小峰 史克珊 曹作为 梁 敏 李安民
【摘要】 目的 分析重型颅脑损伤249例病人致伤原因,探讨有效治疗策略,降低死亡率。 方法 分析各种损伤发生率,采用加强院前急救、术中脑保护与降颅压,术后专科监护和救治。结果 本组伤因主要为交通伤154例(61.8%),坠落伤36例(14.5%)。损伤类型为硬膜下血肿52例(20.9%),其次为硬膜外血肿45例(18.1%),多发性血肿42例(16.95%)。存活186例,死亡率25.3%。结论 强调早期气管插管,安全的运送,迅速而及时的复苏,早期CT扫描,术中脑保护,及时清除颅内血肿等占位病变以及专科监护室内接受积极的处理是及时有效地抢救危重病人,降低重型颅脑损伤死亡的重要环节。 【关键词】 脑损伤,重型 急救 策略
Treatment of Severe Head Injury: An Analysis of 249 Patients
SHI Xiaofeng, SHI Keshan, CAO Zuowei, et al. Dept. of Neurosurgery, Haikou Municipal Hospital, Haikou, 570208
【Abstract】 Objective To study the traumatogenic causes and therapy of severe head injury. Methods Retrospective study has been done on the incidence of the trauma, the effects of prehospital emergency treatment, brain protection, reduction of intracraninal pressure during operation and the monitoring and treatment in ICU after operation. Results The main causes resulting from head injury were traffic accident injury (154 cases, 61.8%) and falling injury (36 cases, 14.5%). Subdural hematoma was found in 52 cases (20.9%), extradural hematoma in 45 cases (18.1%), multiple hematomas 42 cases (16.95%). Of the 249 patients, 186 survived (74.7%). Conclusions Early tracheal intubation, safe transit, quick and timely resuscitation, early CT scan, brain protection during operation, and timely cleaning intracranial hematoma or space occupying lesion are important in reducing the mortality of severe head injury. 【Key words】 Brain injuries, severe First aid Tactic
临床资料 1.一般资料:本组249例,男217例,女32例;年龄1~78岁。其中12岁以下29例,13~50岁186例,51岁以上34例。病例选择:全部病例术前GCS计分≤8分。并且CT和手术中发现颅内血肿,广泛脑挫裂伤,原发性脑干损伤,弥漫[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 创伤骨科急诊入院病人漏诊与误诊的分析 下一个医学论文: 直接进急诊手术室抢救严重创伤77例