创伤骨科急诊入院病人漏诊与误诊的分析 |
李 莹 翟桂华 耿向苏
【摘要】 目的 探讨创伤骨科急诊入院病人漏误诊原因及防止措施。方法 根据1997年1 104例创伤骨科急诊入院病人的病历记录,对57例64处损伤初诊被漏诊或误诊进行统计分析,寻找与漏诊发生的相关因素。结果 1104例创伤骨科急诊入院病人中,57例64处损伤初诊被漏诊或误诊,漏误诊率为5.1%。统计学检验发现较高ISS评分、多发伤、车祸伤及坠落伤患者漏误诊的发生率较高。78.1%的漏误诊是由于医师违反诊查常规或粗心大意造成,10.9%的损伤以现有的常规检查难以发现。 结论 同一肢体多发伤中关节部位的损伤最容易发生漏误诊,初诊医师应按诊查常规操作,并注意系统全面的检查,部分病例应采用CT、骨扫描等更先进的诊查手段。 【关键词】 误诊 创伤和损伤,骨关节
Analysis of Misdiagnosis and Missed Diagnosis in Traumatic Fractured Patients
LI Ying, ZHAI Guihua, GENG Xiangsu. Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing, 100035
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the reasons for mis-or missed diagnosis in traumatic fractured patients and subsequently to find the possible measures to reduce them. Methods Out of the 1104 cases of traumatic fractures, 57 cases (64 fractures) were found being mis-or missed diagnosed and the relating factors were determined. Results Multiple injuries, traffic accident injuries, falling injuries, and high ISS score had a high occurrence of mis-or missed diagnosis. The reason was considered mainly due to inadequate assessment or negligence. Some injuries (10.9%) could not be found by routine approaches. Conclusions Multiple injuries consisted of joint injuries in the same extremity are apt to develop mis- or missed diagnosis. By careful physical and X-ray examination, most injuries can be found. To those injuries that can not be found by routine approaches, CT scaning, bone scanning and other advanced techniques should be used. 【Key words】 Missed diagnosis Wounds and injuries, bone and joints
在现代创伤中,高能量多发伤所占比例日益提高,骨关节损伤及时正确诊断的困难明显增大,漏诊与误诊逐渐引起了大家的关注。世界许多大的创伤中心对漏诊与误诊的问题进行了专门的调查与研究[1-3],国内尚未见有此类综合性报道。笔者对北京积水潭医院1997年创伤骨科急诊入院的1 104例患者的诊断进行调查,对漏诊与误诊病例进行分析,以期使大家对漏诊与误诊的发生情况和规律有一个清晰的了解,进而减少漏诊与误诊的发生,提高、改进诊疗水平。
资料与方法 研究对象为1997年1月1日~1997年12月31日间北京积水潭医院创伤骨科急诊入院病人。本组共1 104例,其中男774例,女330例。损伤部位1 580处。年龄14~78岁,平均35.6岁。对漏诊与误诊的判断是指相对于初诊急诊诊断,如在以后的诊治过程中发[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 重视和加强对严重创伤的早期救治 下一个医学论文: 249例重型颅脑损伤救治策略分析