高速公路内与行人有关的交通事故分析 |
李继光 时景璞 魏平
摘 要:目的 分析高速公路内行人活动在交通事故中的危险性。 方法 通过流行病学方法收集沈大高速公路1990~1996年间609起交通事故的基本资料,建立数据库并分析。结果 1 161 人次伤亡人员中各类行人为151人,其中受伤60人,死亡91人,死亡率60.3%(91/151),明显高于机动车内人员27.4%(265/966)的死亡率。行人包括维修车辆人员及在停驶车辆周围观望的下车人员(45人)、停车后下车到车外步行、活动的车内人员(34人)、违法进入高速公路的行人(58人)及在高速公路内执行公务的人员(14人)。99起车—人事故导致106人次伤亡,此类型交通事故有较明显的时间分布差异,51.5%(51/99)发生于14:00~22:00之间。 结论 高速公路上行人活动是高速公路交通事故的重要高危因素,应严格控制和减少高速公路内的各类行人活动。 关键词:公路,高速; 事故,交通; 流行病学
A study of traffic accidents involving pedestrians in Shenyang-Dalian Highway
LI Jiguang, SHI Jingpu, WEI Ping. (Dept. of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China)
Abstract:Objective To analyze the high risk of pedestrians for traffic accidents in highway. Methods By epidemiological investigation, the basic data of 609 cases of traffic accidents happened in Shenyang-Dalian Highway during 1990-1996 was collected and analyzed through establishing database. Results In all 1 161 persons who were killed or injured in the traffic accidents, there were 151 pedestrians(13.0%) among which 91 died accounting for 60.3% of lethality rat, 60 injured. The mortality of pedestrians was significantly higher than that of vehicle-occupants (27.4%). The traffic accidents involved four kinds of pedestrians, i.e. the persons repairing vehicles, the persons looking around parking vehicles (45 persons),the passengers out from the parking vehicles(34 persons), the illegal pedestrians in the highway(58 persons)and the persons who were working in the highway(14 persons).Ninty-nine vehicle-pedestrian crashes resulted in 106 deaths or injuries. The time distribution of vehicle-pedestrian crash was not equivalent, 51.5%(51/99) of crash happened between 2 P.M-10 P.M. Conclusions In the highway, the high risk factor for traffic accidents is pedestrian activities which should be effectively controlled. Key words:Way, high; Accidents, traffic; [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 重型脑外伤后脑积水24例 下一个医学论文: 陈旧性下颈椎损伤并颈椎不稳21例