应用TSRH三维矫形系统治疗脊柱侧凸 |
翁习生 邱贵兴 沈建雄 赵宏 郑忠 金今 王以朋 田野 林进 仉建国
【摘要】目的应用TexasScottishRiteHospital(TSRH)系统矫正脊柱侧凸的冠状面畸形、矢状面畸形和旋转畸形。方法1998年1月~1999年6月应用TSRH系统治疗脊柱侧凸32例,其中男6例,女26例;年龄11~45岁,平均16.4岁。特发性侧凸21例,先天性侧凸11例。术前冠状面畸形(Cobb法)为44°~125°,平均71.2°;矢状面后凸畸形(T3~12)为-16°~67°,平均49.2°;旋转畸形(Nash-Moe法)为Ⅰ~Ⅲ度。术前躯干移位3~9cm,平均4.8cm。结果术后所有病例经6~24个月,平均9.7个月随访。冠状面畸形为10°~73°,平均26.6°,平均矫正率为63.8%;矢状面后凸(T3~12)为10°~45°,平均28°;旋转畸形平均矫形1度。躯干移位为0.5~5.0cm,平均1.6cm,平均矫形66.7%。浅表感染及下钩滑脱各1例,发生率为3.1%。所有病例术中、术后均无脊髓神经损伤。结论TSRH系统具有三维矫形能力,不仅可矫正冠状面畸形,而且可矫正矢状面和旋转畸形,效果可靠、操作方便、并发症少、术后不需石膏固定。 【关键词】脊柱侧凸;内固定器;治疗结果
Three-dimensional correction of scoliosis using TSRH instrumentation
WENG Xisheng, QIU Guixing, SHEN Jianxiong, et al. (Department of Orthopaedics, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical University, Beijing 100730, China)
【 Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the results of TSRH instrumentation in the correction of frontal, sagittal and axial plane deformity of scoliosis. Methods From January 1998 to June 1999,thirty-two consecutive patients with scoliosis underwent anterior or posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion using TSRH instrumentation.There were 6 males and 26 females, with an average age at the time of surgery of 16.4 years (range, 11- 45). Twenty-one cases were idiopathic scoliosis and 11 cases were congenital. The preoperative curve measurement showed an average of 71.2° (range, 44° - 125° ), and 49.2° (range, - 16° - 67° ) in frontal and sagittal respectively, while axial plane deformity (Nash- Moe) ranged from Ⅰ to Ⅲ degree. Preoperative trunk shift averaged 4.8 cm (range, 3- 9 cm). Results All the patients were followed-up for an average of 9.7 months (range, 6- 24 months) after operation. The averaged frontal curve measured 26.6° (range, 10° - 73° ), a 63.8% curve correction. Sagittal contours were well maintained by this instrumentation[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: Jackson骶骨棒内固定技术的解剖学研究及临床应用 下一个医学论文: 锥状点式接触钢板内固定对局部皮质骨微循环影响的实验研究