上尿路取石术后内 外引流方式的比较 |
郭松林 张书贤 李万峰 喻斌 殷传开 杜广辉 叶章群
摘 要:目的:比较上尿路取石术后置内支架引流与外支架引流的优劣。方法:回顾性调查上尿路取石术后双J管内引流46例和外引流52例的术后恢复及并发症情况,并进行统计学处理。结果:内引流组术后住院天数及腹膜后引流天数明显低于外引流组(P<0.01),术后并发症总发生率内引流组(12.76%)也明显低于外引流组(28.85%)。结论:上尿路取石术后置内引流优于外引流,但在肾功能不良、出血较多、下尿路有梗阻和感染时置外引流或同时置内、外引流更为安全可靠。 关键词:肾结石 输尿管结石 泌尿系手术 引流
Comparison between internal stent and external stent drainage for upper urinary lithotomy
GUO Song-lin ZHANG Shu-xian YU Bing YIN Chuan-kai (Department of Urology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu, Anhui,241000) LI Wan-feng (Depatment of Urology,the Second Hospital Pingdingshan) DU Guang-hui YIE Zhang-qun (Depatment of Urology,Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical University)
Abstract:Purpose:To assess the advantage of urine drainage by double-J ureteral stent or by percutaneous indwelling stent for upper urinary lithotomy. Methods: The therapeutic effect of 46 patients with internal stent and 52 with external stent for upper urinary lithotmy were analysed retrospectively. Results: Hospitalized course and duration of retroperitoneal indwelling in the internal drainage group was notably less than those in the external drainage group. The total postoperative complication rate in the internal drainage group was also remarkably lower than that of the external drainage group. Conclusions: It is suggested that double-J stent is more effective and safer than percutaneous indwelling stent. However, Percutaneous indwelling stent or both used simultaneously will be more safer in the condition of renal insufficiency, obstruction of lower urinary and inflammation. Key words:Kidney calculi Ureteral calculi Surgery urologyic Drainage▲
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 置双J管内引流组:46例47次,男22例,女24例,年龄25~59岁,平均42.5岁。肾实质切开取石1例,肾盂及肾实质联合切开取石3例,肾盂取石9例,输尿管上段取[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 复方枸橼酸合剂对尿路结石的预防作用 附132例报告 下一个医学论文: 自制尿道探形双J管取出器的临床试用