急性脊髓损伤后脊髓组织内皮素 |
鲁凯伍 侯铁胜 傅强 蒋应明
摘 要:目的 探讨内皮素-1(ET-1)在急性脊髓损伤中的表达及其作用机制。 方法 应用35 g负荷压迫大鼠胸段脊髓(T8~9) 5 min,造成大鼠胸段脊髓急性中度损伤;借助原位杂交组织化学方法,定位、定量研究大鼠急性脊髓损伤后早期ET-1 mRNA表达的时间和空间分布特征。结果 脊髓压迫伤后30 min ET-1 mRNA表达明显增多,4 h达最高峰,一直持续至72 h恢复至正常水平。ET-1 mRNA表达阳性细胞主要是神经元细胞,高表达区在脊髓前角(Ⅸ区)。 结论 伤后脊髓组织中ET-1含量增多的主要原因之一是由于其转录水平的异常表达,ET-1是脊髓继发性损伤的重要损害因子。 关键词:脊髓损伤; 内皮素-1; 核糖核酸,信使; 原位杂交
Experimental study on expression of endothelin-1 mRNA in spinal cord tissues from acute spinal cord injury
LU Kaiwu, HOU Tiesheng, FU Qiang, et al. (Dept. of Orthopedics, Changhai Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract:Objective To explore mRNA expression and action mechanism of endothelin-1(ET-1) in spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods The thoracic spinal cord (T8-9) of rats was compressed by a load of 35 g for 5 minutes,which caused an acute and moderate injury.By means of in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH), the distributive particularities in time and location of the early expression of ET-1 messenger ribonucleic acid (ET-1 mRNA) in injured spinal cord tissues from rats were qualitatively and quantitatively measured. Results The expression of ET-1 mRNA increased 30 minutes after spinal cord compression and reached its climax at 4 hours. Then, it decreased slowly to normal level at 72 hours.The positive cells of the ET-1 mRNA expression were localized to neuronal cell bodies in spinal cord. The highly expressive regions were in the ventral horn (laminae IX). Conclusions An increase of ET-1 concentration in injured spinal cord tissues is mainly from its abnormal expression of transcription level. ET-1 is a key injury factor in secondary injury after acute spinal cord injury. Key words:Spinal cord injury; Endothelin-1; RNA, messenger; In situ hybridization▲
初步证实,内皮素(ET)作为一种重要的神经肽在体内发挥着广泛的生物学效应,同时也发现ET参与了多种出血性和缺血性脑损害的形成。近年来,在脊髓损伤早期也发现ET表达增多,但对其机制研究报道极少。笔者研究大鼠急性脊髓损伤后早期ET-1 mRNA表达特征,旨在探讨[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 白介素 下一个医学论文: 经椎间动脉栓塞法建立急性脊髓缺血损伤模型