股骨距的三维结构和显微结构特征及其力学意义 |
高令军 裘世静 戴尅戎
【摘要】目的 观察股骨距的显微结构和三维结构。方法 取18~30岁青年男性新鲜尸体股骨上段12根,经冠状面CT扫描后,横行截取股骨距,做X线摄片及光镜观察。对其中的2个股骨距做三维重建。结果 股骨距出现于股骨颈的后上部,止于小转子下股骨内侧皮质。它有16°的扭转角且凸向髓腔。整个股骨距骨板并非垂直,沿股骨上段的长轴从后向前在横向上移行了一段距离。年轻人股骨距根据其显微结构特征可分为三个区域。结论 股骨距参于构成桁架系统,能承受较高的压缩载荷,且能将这些压缩载荷均匀地传向股骨内侧皮质。 【关键词】生物力学 股骨颈 股骨
The Microstructure and Three-dimensional Structure of Calcar Femorale and the Mechanics of Its Load Capacity
GAO Lingjun, QIU Shijing,DAI Kerong. Department of Orthopaedics , Ninth People’s Hospital,Shanghai Second Medical University , Shanghai 200011
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the microstructure and three dimensional structure of calcar femorale. Methods Twelve fresh cadaveric proximal femurs of young people were used in this study.Firstly, coronal section CT-scanning of all proximal femorale were taken at 45 degrees of external rotation. Secondly, the cross section of ten calcar femorale were X-rayed and observed under light microscope.Two calcar femorale were reconstructed in the computer. Results The calcar femorale appeared at the posterior region of the upper base of the femoral neck and ended interiorly at the medial cortex below the lesser trochanter. It had a 16 degree twist angle and bulges toward the marrow channel. It moves anteriorly from the posterior region along the neutral axis of the proximal femur. The calcar femorale could be divided into three regions according to its microstructural characteristics.Conclusion The calcar femorale takes part in the constitution of cantilever system, it is able to sustain high compressive stress and transmit these stress from the femoral head to the cortex evenly. 【Key words】 Biomechanics Femur neck Femur
股骨距是股骨上段的一个重要承载结构。1874年Merkel[1]发现了股骨距这一结构。从此以后,关于股骨距的解剖学、放射学以及显微结构的报道不断出现[2~5]。现已明确,股骨距是股骨上段的一块内在骨板,其上起于股骨颈内后侧,向下止于小转子股骨内侧皮质,其内附着于股骨前内侧,向后外行向大转子,最后融合于大转子的松质骨内,有加强股骨颈基底部的功能。本研究通过X线、CT扫描、光镜和三维重建对股骨距的三维结构和显微结构进行了观察,并从其显微结构和三维结构[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 胫骨上端前后缘皮质骨对单髁假体稳定性的影响 下一个医学论文: 臀肌挛缩症的病因 类型及治疗