含股外侧皮神经的带蒂皮瓣修复手掌皮肤 神经同时缺损手掌皮肤 神经同时缺损 |
王斌 刘德群 赵少平 汪琦 刘月波 马铁鹏 张宁 周自贵
【摘要】目的 研究修复手掌皮肤、神经同时缺损的一种方法。方法 于同侧股外侧皮神经皮肤分布范围内,设计含股外侧皮神经在内的带蒂皮瓣,将皮瓣内股外侧皮神经的远近断端分别与手掌神经缺损的远近断端吻合,皮肤缺损处以此皮瓣覆盖。结果 临床应用2例,成活2例,术后平均随访1年,皮瓣外观好,皮瓣及患指均已恢复保护性感觉。结论 含股外侧皮神经的带蒂皮瓣是修复手掌皮肤神经同时缺损的有效方法。 【关键词】外科皮瓣 周围神经 手 皮肤 创伤和损伤
Pedicle Flap With Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve for Repairing of Skin and Nerve Detects in the Palm
WANG Bin, LIU Dequn,ZHAO Shaoping, et al. The Second Hospital of Tangshan, Hebei Province, Tangshan 063000
【Abstract】 Objective To describle a method for repairing the skin and nerve defects in the palm. Methods Pedicle flap with lateral cutaneous femoral nerve was designed with the donor and recipient area in the same side. The proximal and distal end of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the flap were anastomosed with the corresponding ends of the nerve defect. In the palm the skin defect was covered with the flap. Results Two cases were treated with the method;and were followed up for about one year.Both flaps survived,the final functional and cosmetic results are satisfactory.The flap area and fingers recovered their protective sense. Conclusion Pedicle flap with lateral femoral cutaneous nerve appeared to be one of the most effective methods for treating skin and nerve defects in palm. 【Key words】 Surgical flaps Peripheral nerves Hand Skin Wounds and injuries
首先经过髂前上棘内侧12mm[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 电生理BCR ICR PEP检查对马尾综合征的诊断和预后的临床意义 下一个医学论文: 自体输血在人工关节置换术的应用