地氟醚 七氟醚和异氟醚对犬冠脉血流的影响 |
高玉英 杭燕南 刘建生 孙大金
摘要 目的:采用超声血流量监测仪观察地氟醚、七氟醚和异氟醚对犬冠脉血流的影响。方法:犬18只,腹腔注射1.5%硫喷妥钠20mg/kg,静脉注射阿曲库铵0.8mg/kg麻醉诱导,气管插管后取正中开胸,分离冠状动脉左前降支,将3mm或3.5mm超声Doppler 血管探头置于分离血管处,连接超声多普勒冠脉血流量监测仪测定冠脉血流量,然后随机吸入地氟醚、七氟醚或异氟醚,MAC分别为7.2%、2.3%和1.28%,呼气末浓度达预定值后稳定20分记录指标。结果:地氟醚和异氟醚组CBF明显增加,七氟醚组低浓度时CBF明显下降,高浓度时CBF明显增加。结论:地氟醚、七氟醚和异气氟醚均可导致冠脉血流发生明显变化。 关键词 冠脉血液循环 地氟醚 七氟醚 异氟醚
Comparative effects of desflurane,sevoflurane and isoflurane on coronary circulation in dogs Gao Yuying,Hang Yannan,Liu Jiansheng,et al.Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 20001 Abstract objective:The aim of this study was to investigate effects of desflurane and sevoflurane on coronary circulation in dogs and to compare its effects with those of isoflurane.Method:Eighteen mongrel dogs were anesthetized with sodium pentothal 20mg/kg and atracurium 0.8mg/kg.After intubation, thoracotomy was performed and a 3.0 or 3.5mm pulsed Doppler flow probe was placed around the left anterior descending coronary artery.The dogs were randomly assigned to receive desflurane,sevoflurane or isoflurane with the values of MAC being 7.2%,2.3% and 1.28%,respectively.Coronary blood flow(CBF)were recorded 20 min after the period of equilibration at the desired end-tidal concentration.Result:CBF was significantly increased in desflurane and isoflurane group at giving concentrations.Unlike isoflurane,CBF in sevoflurane group decreased slightly at low concentration,but increased significantly at high concentration.Conclusion:The effects of desflurane and isoflurane on coronary circulation are similar,but those of sevoflurane and isoflurane are different. Key words Coronary circulation Desflurane Sevoflurane Isoflurane
选用本地健康成年杂种犬18只,雌雄不拘,体重15~20kg。试验前禁食1[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 降钙素基因相关肽控制性降压对大鼠肾功能及肾素 下一个医学论文: 麻醉期间大量快速输血后血钾和酸碱平衡的观察