降钙素基因相关肽控制性降压对大鼠肾功能及肾素 |
张诗海 曾邦雄 金士翱 卫富强
摘要 目的:探讨人降钙素基因相关肽(α-hCGRP)应用于控制性降压对肾功能的影响。方法:20只SD大鼠分为α-hCGRP组(C组)和硝普钠组(S组),两组动物的MAP均降至6.7kPa并维持1小时。测定两组动物降压前后GFR、ETPF、PRA、AⅡ浓度、尿量、HR以及钠、钾和氯离子的排泌速率。结果:在降压1小时时,C组GFR和ERPF极显著升高;S组GFR和ERPF极显著降低。两组尿量显著减少,钠和氯离子的排泌速率显著下降,钾离子的排泌速率轻度升高,PRA和AⅡ均升高8倍左右,HR极显著增快。结论:α-hCGRP控制性降压对大鼠肾功能具有保护作用,而硝普钠控制性降压则导致大鼠肾功能不良,因而α-hCGRP应用于控制性降压较硝普钠安全。大鼠尿量减少、心率增快及电解质排泌的改变与肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统兴奋性升高有关。 关键词 降钙素基因相关肽 硝普钠 肾脏 降压,控制性
Effects of human α-calcitonin gene-related peptide and sodium nitroprusside-induced hypotension on renal function and renin-angiotensin system in rats Zhang Shihai,Zeng Bangxiong,Jin Shiao,et al.Department of Anesthesiology,Union Hospital Tongji Medical University,Wuhan 430022 Abstract Objective:Effects of human α-calcitonin gene-related peptide (α-hCGRP) on renal function and renin-angiotensin system were studied during controlled hypotension.Method:Twenty SD rats were divided into α-hCGRP (C) and sodium nitroprusside (S) groups.The mean blood pressure of rats was reduced to and maintained at 6.7kPa for 1h.The glomerular filtration rate (GFR),effective renal plasma flow (ERPF),plasma renal activity (PRA),angiotensin Ⅱ(AⅡ),urine volume,heart rate (HR)and the excretory rates of sodium,chloride and potassium of rats were measured beforeand 1h following hypotension.Result:GFR and ERPF increased significantly at the end of 1h hypotension when compared to pre-hypotension in the group C.GFR and ERPF decreased mark during hypotension period in group S.In both groups during hypotension,PRA and AⅡ increased by eight-folds or so,the excretory rates of sodium and chloride decreased significantly and the excretory rate of potassium increased slightly,urine volume decreased and HR increased markly.Conclusion:The α-hCGRP,a potent vasodilator,has a protective effect on renal function as a controlled hypotensive agent.Sodium nitroprusside may harm renal function.The in[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 创伤性休克及复苏后肠粘膜免疫功能的改变 下一个医学论文: 地氟醚 七氟醚和异氟醚对犬冠脉血流的影响