术后禁食患者肠通透性的变化 |
邓高月 刘振邦 何桂珍 徐燕英
[摘要] 目的 测定术 后病人肠通透性,评价其肠屏障功能。方法 20例中等大小手术的 病人,术后禁食3~5 d,肠功能恢复时,口服乳果糖(L)和甘露醇(M)溶液 ,收集6 h尿液,用高压液相色谱议测定尿中L和M,计算其排泄比率(L/M)。选20例健康志 愿者为对照,两组的年龄、性别无统计学差异。结果 术后禁食病 人的L/M为0.1989±0.1186,健康志愿者为0.4398±0.2165,两者有显著性差异(P<0.0 5)。结论 与健康志愿者比较,术后禁食病人的肠通透性升高。 [关键词] 肠通透性; 术后患者; 禁食患者 [中图分类号] R619+.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005- 6483(2000)06-0342-02
Changes of intestinal permeabiloty of postoperative fasting patients
DENG Gaoyue,LIU Zhenbang,HE Guizhen (Department of Surgery,3 05 hospital of PLA,Beijing 100017,China)
[Abstract] Objective To measure intestinal permeabilit y of postoperative fasting patients and evaluate their intestinal barrier functi on.Methods Twenty patients after moderate or minor operatio n ,10 male and 10 female,were included in the study .After 3 to 5 days of fastin g,when their bowel functon returned to normal,10 ml solution of lactulose(2g ) with mannitol (1g) were given orally,urine of 6 hours was collected.As a contr ol group,20 healthy volunteers were also included.There were no statistical diff erences in sex and age between two groups.Results The L/M o f the patients and healthy volunteers were 0.1989±0.1186 and 0.4398±0.2165 respectively,the difference was significant.Conclusions Th e intestinal permenbility of postperative fasting patients was elevated when com pared with that of volunteers. [Key words] Intesinal permeability; Postoperative pat ient; Fasing patient
在严重创伤、烧伤、大手术、放疗、化疗、严重感染、长期胃肠外营养或 要素饮食等应激情况下,肠屏障功能发生损害,表现为肠通透性升高及细菌和毒素移位 [1]。临床上常见的一般腹部手术后禁食病人的肠屏障功能的变化如何少有研究,我们 通过测定20例腹部手术后禁食病人肠乳果糖(L)和甘露醇(M)尿中排泄比率(L/M),以评价其 肠屏障功能的改变。 临床资料
一、研究对象 腹部手术病人20例,男女各10例,平均年龄52.7岁(15~77岁),依原发病 不同,术后禁食3~5 d,胃肠功能恢复,准备开始进食时,进行肠透性测定。20例病人的术 式见表1。选健康志愿者20例作为对照,其中男女各10例,平均年龄47.6岁(23~66岁) ,两组受试者的性别构成相同,年龄无显著性差异(P>0.05)。
表1 20例病人的术式
术式 例 数 胃癌根治术 5 阑尾切除术 3
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 正确应用外科引流 下一个医学论文: 经胆囊管探查胆总管应用价值的探讨