保留幽门胆管胃肠双改道治疗乳头旁憩室 |
孙立新 刘刚 蔡建华 李小滨
摘 要:目的 探讨治疗乳头旁憩室的一种术式效果。方法 于幽门下3 cm断十二指肠,其远端与横断的胆总管行端端或端侧吻合,Tritz韧带下15 cm断空肠,远端空肠与近端十二指肠行端端吻合,距此吻合口下40 cm处行近端空肠与空肠端侧吻合。结果 本组无手术死亡,仅1例出现吻合口水肿,2例发生胃排空障碍,经保守治疗后缓解。随访7例,6例效果优,1例效果良。结论 保留幽门胆管胃肠双改道术是一种治疗乳头旁憩室有效的术式。 关键词:十二指肠;乳头旁憩室;手术治疗 分类法:R656.6+4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-6483(2000)01-0041-02
The technique of retention pylorus add diplex rout-changing comme bile duct and stomach-intestine for curing juxtapapillary duodenal diverticula
SUN Lixin,LIU Gang,CAI Jianhua,et al. (Department of General Surgery,Beijing Luhe Hospital,Beijing 101149,China)
Abstract:Objective To study a surgery technique for juxtapapillary diverticula.Methods The main point of the technique:To shut off duodenum below pylorus 3 cm,and after transecting common bile duct(CBD),to oversew CBD and distal duodenum by end to end;below tritz ligament 15 cm shutting off jejunum,and to oversew distal jejunum and nearend duodenum;below the anastomolic stoma 40 cm,to oversew the nearend jejunum and jejunum by end to side,to makd up of Y shape.Results None of 8 cases died because of operation,only one of them had edema of anastomolic stom in postoperative,2 of them had evacuation disturbance of stomach,the occur rate is 25%.Following-up survey 7 cases,6 of them were excellent,one of them was fine.Conclusions The treatment of retention pylorus add diplex rout-changing comme bile duct and stomach-intestine is a good technique. Key words:Duodenum;Juxtapapillary diverticula;Surgical treatment
十二指肠乳头旁憩室与胆胰疾病之间的关系已得到人们的肯定[1]。该病的术式很多,但手术方式尚待完善。1994年1月~1998年7月,我们行保留幽门胆管胃肠双转流治疗乳头旁憩室共8例,经随访效果满意,报告如下。 临床资料
1.一般资料:本组8例,男5例,女3例,年龄56~75岁,病程2个月~7年。8例患者均为单发憩室,直径10 mm左右,其中1例乳头开口于憩室内。全部患者均有右上腹痛及显性黄疸,3例有胆道手术史,8例均患有胆管结石,4例并有胆囊结石。其中1例憩室内乳头患者合并有缩窄性乳头炎、反复发作性胰腺炎。确诊过程:常规B超检查,以了解肝胆胰的发病情况。ERCP检查5例,均为阳性;CT检查2例,1例为阳性;低张十二指肠造影5例,均为阳性;PTC检查1例,未发现憩室。术中胆道造影8例,均为阳性。 2.手术方法:切除胆囊取尽结石后,常规造影,如切除憩室困难,则行双改道。横[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 外科手术中磁共振应用的进展 下一个医学论文: 缝扎胆囊三角系膜技术在小切口胆囊切除术的应用