重庆市意外伤害住院患者死亡状况分析 |
张世煌 邓祥明 余昌铀 王忠诚 白炼
【摘要】 目的 探讨意外伤害规律,实施有效的三级预防。方法 采用二阶段分层整群随机抽样方法并结合重庆市同期卫生统计资料进行分析。结果 (1)意外伤害住院病人及其死亡病人均居住院病种的第三位,其中前4位死因系机动车交通事故伤(42.45%)、跌(落)伤(23.22%)、自杀或自伤(7.97%)和他杀或他伤(7.12%)。(2)脑伤占59.41%,多发伤占21.31%。(3)59.72%的意外伤害发生在8∶00~18∶00时;伤后3分钟,1小时内入院分别占1.87%,7.94%。(4)出、入院诊断完全符合率68.43%;一次手术后死亡占死亡总数的95.4%。结论 20~50岁的人群是意外伤害的高危人群;伤后及时转运、救治及并发症积极处理并加强监护等,对降低意外伤害的院内死亡率具有重要意义。 【关键词】 意外伤害 住院病人 死亡率
Investigation of Death in Hospitalized Patients Suffering from Accident Injury in Chongqing ZHANG Shi-huang, DENG Xiang-ming, YU Chang-you, et al. Chongqing Emergency Medical Center, Chongqing 400014 【Abstract】 Aim To investigate the regular pattern of accident injury and enforce the effective triple prevention. Methods The death cases of hospitalized patients suffering from accident injury at difference grade hospitals in Chongqing between 1992 and 1994 were analyzed with stratified randomized sampling method. Results (1) The numbers of the hospitalized patients and the patients died from accident injury ranked the third in all kinds of diseases. Four leading causes of death in this study were road traffic trauma (42.45%), falling injury (23.22%), suicide (7.97%) and homicide (7.12%). (2) Craniocerebral injuries and multiple trauma accounted for 59.41% and 21.31% respectively. The average life lost were 31.63% years. (3) There were 59.72% of accidents occurred between 8:00 to 18:00. It was only 1.87% and 8.94% of victims who were admitted to hospitals in 30 minutes and one hour after injury respectively. (4) The correct rate of diagnosis was 68.43%. There were 94.5% death cases who received operation. Conclusion The people who are 20 to 50 years old are the high risk population in accident injury. That the victims were transported timely, treated immediately, dealt with complications positively, and enhanced intensive care greatly plays an important role in decreasing the death rate of the hospitalized patients suffering from[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 手术修复严重肾损伤27例 下一个医学论文: 严重烧伤早期中性粒细胞在肝脏中的聚集机制及参与肝脏损害的研究