异丙酚静脉麻醉人工流产的临床研究 |
徐建国 傅素娥 陆雪芳 周志宏 王永光 嵇晴
摘要 目的:评价异丙酚静脉麻醉人工流产的效应。方法:1600例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ、妊娠1~3月孕妇,800例自愿实行全麻人工流产者为治疗组,另800例自愿无麻醉人工流产者为对照组。治疗组采用两次推注给药法,首次给药至深镇静,1.5~2分钟后再次追加50%诱导量。观察诱导剂量、诱导过程术中HR、BP、SpO2变化、恢复时间、副作用、患者满意程度及对照组VAS评分。结果:两组平均手术时间为5.28~5.44分钟,治疗组异丙酚用量187.40±32.18mg;治疗组术中MAP下降大于20%的患者为13%,对照组为39%;治疗组HR减慢超过20%为7.9%,对照组为39%;治疗组恶心和呕吐率分别为2.1%和1.9%,对照组为23.9%和6.1%,均有非常显著差异(P<0.01)。对照组80.1%患者出现人流综合症,VAS评分7.1分,而治疗组满意率为99.4%,无不满意者,麻醉后清醒和定向力恢复迅速。结论:异丙酚可满足人工流产手术的需要。异丙酚静脉麻醉用于人工流产明显减低副作用,患者满意率提高。 关键词 异丙酚 人工流产
The Clinical Investigation of Intravenous Anesthesia with Propofol in Suction Termination of Pregancy
Xu Jianguo,Fu Sue,Lu Xuefang (Department of Anesthesiology,Nanjing General Hospital of PLA,Clinical School of Medical College of Nanjing University,Nanjing 210002)
Abstract Objective:To evaluate the effect of propofol intravenous anesthesia in suction termination of pregancy.Methods:1600 ASAⅠ-Ⅱ pregant women in 1-3months undergoing suction termination of pregancy received intravenous anesthesia with propofol(group Ⅰ,n=800) or without anesthesia (group Ⅱ,n=800).Anesthesia was induced using propofol 1-2mg/kg to the level of deep sedation,one to two min later,another bolus dose of propofol 0.5-1.0mg/kg was used.Induction dose,induction time,HR,BP,SpO2,recovery time,side effects and patient satisfaction were assessed.Results:Baseline variables did not differ between two groups.The average surgical time was 5.28-5.44min. In group Ⅰ,dosage of propofol were 187.40±32.18mg.GroupⅡ had more decreased BP than group I(39% vs 13%).The HR was significantly decreased in group I compared to that in groupⅡ(7.9% vs 39%).Similarly,the incidences of nausea and vomiting (23.9% vs 2.1%,6.1% vs 19%) were also significantly reduced in groupⅠ.The rate of patient satisfaction was high(99.4%) in the groupⅠ.Conclusion:Propofol anesthesia effectively reduces side effect of suction termination of pregancy and nearly al[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 硬膜外阻滞用于分娩镇痛100例临床分析 下一个医学论文: 异丙酚伍用不同剂量芬太尼用于人工流产手术麻醉