前列腺按摩后精液前列腺特异抗原测定及其临床意义 |
侯成玉 郝翠芳 李法升 王连文
摘 要:目的:探讨前列腺按摩治疗精液迟缓液化症的临床意义。方法:对48例精液迟缓液化症患者和30例精液液化正常者分别测定其精液前列腺特异抗原(PSA)含量;对精液迟缓液化症患者前列腺按摩前后测定其精液PSA浓度;对16例精液迟缓液化症患者,前列腺按摩前后行性交后试验,取其配偶宫颈粘液显微镜下观察活精子数。结果:精液迟缓液化症患者精液PSA含量明显低于液化正常组(P<0.01);前列腺按摩后精液PSA浓度明显升高(P<0.05);按摩后其配偶宫颈粘液每高倍视野活精子数明显增加。结论:在女方围排卵期对男方行前列腺按摩治疗精液迟缓液化症,方法简便,效果可靠,实用性强。 关键词:前列腺按摩 精液 前列腺特异抗原
Measure and clinical importance of the density of semen PSA after the prostate massage
HOU Cheng-yu (Department of Urology, the Hospital Attached to Binzhou Medical College,Binzhou, Shandong,256603) HAO Cui-fang LI Fa-sheng (Department of Obstelrics and Gynecdogy,the Hospital Attached to Binzhou Medical College) WANG Lian-wen (Department of Nuclear Medicine,the Hospital Attached to Binzhou Medical College)
Abstract:Purpose:To investigate the clinical importance of prostate massage for the treatment of symptom of semen delayed liquefaction. Methods:The content of semen PSA was measured in 48 patients with the symptom of semen delayed liquefaction and 30 cases with normal Liquefaction of the semen . The density of semen PSA is measured of these patients before and after the Prostate massage. the number of Living semen of 16 semen-delayed-Liquefaction patients after the prostate massage and sexual intercourese cervical mucus were observed under the microscope .Results:the content of the semen PSA of the semen-delayed-Liquefaction patients is significantly lower than that of the semen-normal-liquefaction persons (P<0.01).The density of semen PSA increased after the Prostate massage (P<0.05). The number of Living semen has increased after the massage.Conclusions:The prostate massage is effective and helpful for the treatment of the symptom of semen delayed liquefaction during ovulatory time in the female. Key words:Prostate massage Semen Prostate specitic antigen▲
前列腺特异抗原(PSA)能分解精液中由附属性腺分泌的几种重要蛋白,通过分解这些蛋白参与精液凝块液化,促进精子活动〔1〕,[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 皮肤软组织扩张术再造拇指 下一个医学论文: 成人先天性巨输尿管症30例报告